this is the new start page for my main site on Blogger
in the room most writing was done in the old house
my big daughter is now bigger
and just got her Bio-Chem degree now
the smaller one is doing Anthropology now
me I'm poorer
my health is rubbish, but I carry on regardless
If Jill Biden is in England, I don't know is she here with the President
But if she is
Do come for tea, you can buy some at the shop at the bottom of the hill
me sat in the chair is the new image for my WORDPRESS
and if you want to make the Secret Service suffer
make them listen to 207 stories of mine
as they are stuck in traffic up the M1
sometimes it's beastly
Sunday, 31 January 2021
Michael Casey the AUDIO collection, hear me read aloud my stories
Michael Casey the AUDIO collection, hear me read aloud my stories
Everything is in one take, same as the Writing
Hope you can stand my Voice
so follow your nose:-
last load of audio 177 to 207 and I finish needing a drink
179.From Lenny Bruce to Innuendo
190.When and If I win the Lottery
194.Why do men think they are perfect
195.Children are not ready for school at 5
204.Things to do Before I die Part 1
TFAB Chapter2 old people’s home
f I had a legal secretary I could sit and dictate the sequel to The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
TFAB Chapter2 old people’s home
as it is I’ll probably never finish the book, not unless I get the help of God and two Policemen
still more audio:- 151 to 176
155.From Short Wave Radio to Facebook
161.Why are writers and poets so precious.mp3
166.Just Say No to Warren Buffet
174.Rediscovering John Denver.mp3
176.How do you know you are not fat
even more audio:131 to 150
131.All things bright and beautiful
133.Swimming Baths and Painting Eggs
134.Judging a book by its cover
135.Oxbridge and still cannot write an essay
138.To be a writer or to be a Preacher
140.Charles Dickens Xmas and all that
145.Chinese mother I live that life
149.Creative Writing Group on Daily Telegraph
still more audio:- 116 to 130
118.Look in the mirror and what do you see
119.from Bedowrth to Bookshelf and beyond
126.Santa is stuck up the chimney
127.I want to be a radio star a love story
even more audio:- 96 to 115
101.Horror Stories and other stuff
102.How to bribe the kids while wife at dentist
112.From a father to a daughter
115.Crockery or Cups and Saucers to you and me
more audio:- 81 to 95
84.Food for thougtht think as you watch tv
85.Education reach for the stars
87.Die Hard 4.0 or how to use your talents
88.Shakespeare in Love and other thoughts
94.Where do the tears go when they are shed
more audio:- 66 to 80
78.The Trouble with Technology
80.From Shanghai to Birmingham6 Nov 2018 15:45:50 |
Books, Current Affairs, Film, Food and Drink, Games, humor,
more audio:- 51 to 65
51.It’s got to be Winnie the Pooh
52.The best years of your life
55.Home is where the heart is.mp3
58.Go to sleep with the Japanese
well I hope you are all enjoying these, in Nigeria or Russia or Denmark or anywhere.
more audio:- 41 to 50
46.I love my neighbour’s house
48.where do tears do when they are shed
more audio:- 31 to 40
more audio:- 20 to 30
27.Crawling Like a worm in the dirt
More Audio 11 to 19 and yes this i s my voice, I got a new microphone later on, everytghing in one take
11.Dreaming of my own Bathroom
13.If Music be the food of Love
15.If you go down to the woods today
16.From Fireworks to the grave
me holding my life saver Movelat pain killer gel

0.Introduction to Michael Casey
10.Counting Money3 Nov 2018 00:23:04 | Books, Current Affairs, Film, Food and Drink, Games, humor, Music, Religion, Science, Sports, Television, Travel, Web/Tech, Weblogs
I hope you all enjoy all this, with my posh Birmingham accent, too much listening to Radio4 years ago, and having Kerry Irish mom means I do not have a traditional Birmingham or Black Country accent.
So enjoy and send a postcard to Harry and Megs they should read my 1st book first
The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
I’ve given them enough free publicity already, I was going to post the Deep Flake of Grannie…

Here's me shopping at the bottom of our hill 8 July 2023
Here's me shopping at the bottom of our hill 8 July 2023 and tomorrow 9th July would have been my parents 74th Wedding Anniversary and...
- Я создаю группу © По Майкл Кейси Папа ругался, с него довольно, эти язычники были именно язычниками. Он просто хотел тихой жизни, наедине ...
- Is Twitter worth my spit © By Michael Casey Well I’ve stumbled into Twitter again, only because of Tinnitus my Roman slave who shar...
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