Saturday, 8 July 2023

post 4,400 The Look in The Window Game

post 4,400 The Look in The Window Game

now if you like the Doctor films from the 50s/60s

Dirk Bogarde was in them

later he did Death in Venice and so on

Go read his books he is a great writer too

Now as a child he played a game

Look in the shop window

turn your back after say a minute 

then REMEMBER what did you SEE

If you Practice

It will Brain train you

You can apply it to any place you are

or just look out the window

LOOK and then CLOSE your eyes


I grew up in a big family with 5 plus lodgers too

So I had plenty to watch

Shakespeare had an Inn and the wool trade passed through

maybe even a Secret Catholic

Henry the VIII used faith as an excuse

To get his leg over, and to steal the church's money

basically that was it

Anyway, go read a History book, read plenty

In Primary school I read all the school library

it was on a Bookshelf by my desk in Class 1

the top class

I was also lucky as they let me be in Class 1 

early, so I spent 2 years there

So if you are observant, with your eyes

and not just faith

then you can teach yourself to Remember

It's a free trick that cost nothing

and your grades will go higher

and or LISTEN to BBC Radio 4 from a young age

so to recap

LOOK soak it all in

close your eyes and try to Remember

Then repeat all your life

You might turn into me

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England

and if you Google all as a search

you miss all the bad imitations

and just get me

Though you may prefer just to close your eyes

but somethings are better in the dark

then you lose your prejudices

Black/White/Green/Straight/Gay or any which way

BECAUSE that's what the Light of Knowledge does

and maybe that's why 

God's first words are


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