Now is the time, again (c)
By Michael Casey
Well that's a title, lets see where it goes, a bullet point thing no doubt
as the pain and noise in my head makes my head bow down
Or is God reminding me to show a little bit of respect
I bow to no man, a nod hello, but bow never
Respect has to be earnt
Courtesy you get free, without bending the knee
But Politicians and their ik beware, you prove your worth to me
As you get older you may expect respect
But that is a mistake
and in Korea, to me, all this Age nonsense is just that, Nonsense
They have just voted to have the DOB as age
In Kdramas it always seemed a bit daft this obsession with age
And as for FORMAL speaking
That's just a joke
I speak the same way to everybody whatever age the are
I never talked down to my kids when they were children either
I talk down to the cat maybe, and Totoro just sneaks out
for an all night drinking session with the foxes in the woods
She's a bit of a whoER cat, Irish pronunciation
But to me, just be the same to everybody
never suck up
Money and Power are transitory
Everything ends in the grave
and for 10 years of pain, it feels like I've been travelling to mine
Maybe 15 more years, but really QUALITY not Quantity
Yes as a child I used to say 100 would be a good age
But most kids now, will live till 100 anyway
What more can I say, age is in the mind not the body
A battered and bruised person like me can still be 20 in my head
so if I suddenly run away, or walk gingerly away
with a 26 year old girl, she would be the older woman
because I'm still 20 in my head
Newspapers are full of fake shock when age different couples
are coupling, and whatever else they do in gossip magazines
If Picasso can carry on, so can I
Well in my imagination, I'm already old enough to be my kids Granddad
I'll get a Tsunami of complaints now for this post
That's if any of you are reading me
You are all out Dancing in the Streets with PRIDE
I just hope the bin men end their strike
Ot maybe our Pretentious Councillors can just
tidy the streets for us
Before the RATS come

I annoyed somebody in the Middle East today, so here is something to read

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