Monday, 17 July 2023

I am not a Robot, I can tell jokes

I am not a Robot, I can tell jokes

well the whirlwind of Tinnitus is screaming around my head

so I may stop suddenly

I may have upset the Russians with my daily email with Icons and Messages

So I'm so Glad, I'm so Glad, I'm Glad I'm Glad I'm Glad

as Cream sung in the 1970s

my eldest brother played that when he was a Queens Man

Queens Oxford that is

another brother was a road sweeper and a coal miner

he invented the gap year maybe in 1974

before going to Downing Cambridge

me, the 4th son went to STATSMR 

Market Research into Alcohol Sales

on DEC PDP 1170s

don't tell Bill Gates or he'll just wet his trousers laughing

Totoro my cat has just screamed at me

so she is off out to kill or frighten something

I just let her out the. front door

she was very ill and we thought might die 

just as my daughter was taking her finals

and small daughter  was having her 1st year exams

both did marvellously, hard work, works

Now you are all bored with me talking about Putin

but it is the biggest thing since Hitler

and I may have been a History teacher

IF I had a straight line life

I'm bowing my head in pain and noise now

but you have to fight it

BUT it does wear you out

My Brad Pitt looks are fading

I'm listening to Paul Simon on my Amazon Prime Music Unlimited

though I do wear Taylor Swift out, as I play her non stop

Her past 3 albums especially

I've switched to M people now

but I have to watch out with the music

some tones trigger me

so my head convulses like a Head Banger

so I have to push myself away from the desk

just in case I head butt the keyboard

no, I'm not making this up

my right ear has popped recently so I can hear more from it

But the Level of Tinnitus is off the chart

If Putin had it, he'd jump out a window

But he's safe in his padded cell

The deadline is jan 2025, the day Trump takes over

he'll just stab Ukraine in the back

If that parallel universe is to stop


Dems need to have a full time BS called outer TODAY

They are too tame

TOO many Trump lies on a daily basis


has soul their soul for POWER

you can read Chapter 9 of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

M.P Married to a Person, Married to a People

and see my comic take on elections

My dad 40 years ago, yes 40 years ago said Automation would Ruin the World

More UNEMPLOYMENT means you have to decide as a Society what to do

and the Simple Solution is a Monthly Stipend

Paid by the working population

otherwise you have social problems

it's a no brainer

I won't affect me because I'm so much closer to the Undertaker

and yes the Undertaker in my book was inspired by a 

Marvelous Undertaking Family

The Funeral Mass by the way is the nicest

I served 30 Funerals  an Altar Boy

Me and DmC used to pop the charcoal in the drain

and watch it fizz after a Mass

Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus

This was back in the 1960s

as my Primary School was hidden behind the church

Now with redevelopment it's all open

A very nice church inside

Moving On

I'm trying to find cheaper hemp gel for my shoulder

as my Kidneys cannot tolerate some things

25 GFR, when you get much lower, Dialysis becons

I want to avoid that like the plauge

I look like. the elephant man already with scars

and a hernia in the middle of my chest

though I could pose naked, for 1 million dollars

I can hear the screams of horror and laughter

all the way from Singapore, Moscow, and Unknown regions

My show GLOW finished, a great Ensemble piece, 30 episodes or so

I saw Collateral 

 on tv

worth a watch


i gave it a 8.5

now i really must stop

Tinnitus and headaches so bad

air pressure to blame

and yes folks pray Putin goes tonight

we need to fix the planet fast

before it is too late

dystopia here we come

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