Saturday, 23 January 2021

23Jan2021 morning all

hello to Joe Biden, he reads this while he's on his bike exercising

If you believe that then you must be a Trump radio person, now looking for a job

By the way, I'm available Post Card from Birmingham

and I'm cheap, but you know that already

But hurry before Fox  or CNN pick me up, with a fork lift truck

Yesterday everybody and their mother was over on Wordpress

UK, Panama, Germany, Columbia, Saudi, Sweden, USA, India, Singapore and Philippines with Vietnam joining in today

So my humour does travel, and I do look perfect on Radio

So pick me and my 2000+ stories up, and I'll put make up on

while I sit and talk

I  can even send Joe 21 Door Keys, as Trump left everything locked

21 Door Keys will be my 21st book when I finish it at the end of 2021

But I'll left Joe have the first few pages, he can wedge them under the door

till all the keys are available,

I did email Obama in the night during my Tinnitus to time, as he is unemployed

and I heard he likes to read.

I was trying to mock Trump, something to read on his Vacation, but

in the dark of the Tinnitus night I landed on Obama

See I'm such a charmer

Ok, I just have a good imagination

Please yourselves I have to go and watch a Kdrama

Me and Biden's body guard watch together while Biden

is on his bike, him and the tall fellow, Kerry or is that a county

OK, I hope this is as clear as mud

Me and Lewis covered in it, without suits

enough, maybe I'll write something new later

And before I forget Russia reads my rubbish too

so when you and Vlad get to meet to talk about the extensions

just name drop Michael Casey The Butcher The Baker The Undertaker

and everything will go well, then you can play crazy golf together

or have you both had enough of that?

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far