Thursday, 27 July 2023

Singapore you're looking at me again

Singapore you're  looking at me again


I send random emails in the Tinnitus night

and landed on another Singapore place

So I sent an email, and now is it coincidence

You are reading me more

You are too clever to need English Lessons


you could be my Gateway to the East

All my words in book or website form

Looking Pretty

I don't bother as its the WORDS that matter

But I'm sure all you Clever Dicks could 

turn it into something

So I'd make some money for my student daughters

I need nothing materially

Though a typist plus would help me write

Tears for a Butcher, my sequel

the rest you know

Harry Styles is singing  In my Bed

I'll join in

By the way, the house nearby Sold, but is back on the Market

So you have a chance to cook for me

You feed me, and I'll read stories to you


that's if you like the Elephant Man, me and all my scars etc

325k was the price, you can work out the rest

or if you are a Crazy Rich Asian

I can look, and dream

But my next abode only God knows

a Chinese Dr with needles to daily give my left shoulder pain relief

would be a perfect match too

And yes I can  hear you laughing

SO Homework, yo ae Singaporeans after all

Read         Johnny No Friends

And          It's all in the Stars

lots of Truth and Pathos in those stories

The End for Now

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