Sunday, 16 July 2023

something old, not me I'm 20 in my Head

something old

only after 6 months did I discover it was 4 grafts, now read on

Six Weeks After a Triple Heart Bypass ©. March 2015

By Michael Casey

It’s a long walk to the bus stop and then off the bus to the inside of the QE Birmingham

1st I had a blood pressure and weight. My scores were “almost perfect” said the nurse

Then I had an Italian nurse do an ECG, he said thin people had heart attacks too.

Then I had an Xray

Then I met Roger the posh gentleman from the hospital, we were in at the same time.

Had to wait until nearly Noon , I arrived at 9.30. I didn’t mind had a good natter with Roger

Then I saw one of the Cardiac team

He said I was doing so well.

He examined my chest and pressed on it.

It will take up to a year to heal total where its tender.

Otherwise I’m doing great.

Do not pick my leg scabs he said.

Then he discharged me, no need to see me anymore.

I told him there would be chocolate in the future.

I have bought a stack of chocolate for the cardiac crew but it’s too heavy to carry,

but they will get it.

I also have to give a stack of chocolate to D5 and all the other folks

that did all the week of tests before my op, at City hospital Birmingham.

So that’s all my news. My sister and the ladies who are as old as my mother would be, maybe 90 year-olds have also been wearing out the Rosary beads, not to mention candles lit and prayers said on 2 or 3 continents. So I thank them all. I’ve also been told that cranberry juice is great, so I’ve been trying that.

All I need now is to win the lottery so we can move house and I get my own bathroom. But that would be too cheeky to ask God for, God is Good, but he is not an estate agent, though there are many mansions in Heaven.

So since then over 8 years now. We Got the cat, Totoro. We got a nice new house

but up the steepest of hills, enough to kill a healthy person. Daughters are even more beautiful and off the chart clever. I did get my own bathroom by my bedroom, but with my

CkD now being so bad, and maybe Dialysis in a few years time, and massive Pain on my left shoulder and Tinnitus like Gone with the Wind in my Head.

I’m alive but in much much pain. So should I complain, or just hope for another miracle

4400 pieces of writing on my Blogger and Translations Galore here on WordPress

Do I have to die before I get any recognition for my Words.

Rewards I never expect any, and you all know my views on what money is for

I still have a dream, a typist and more

But would I ever be Good enough, never

But sometimes God scrapes the very bottom of the barrel

and says you know what

Men are made of clay, maybe with a bit of spit

he’ll do

So as the winds blow, and Global warming can destroy us, if we don’t destroy ourselves

Maybe all there is left is MARY AND HER ROSARY

Six Weeks After a Triple Heart Bypass ©

By Michael Casey

It’s a long walk to the bus stop and then off the bus to the inside of the QE Birmingham

1st I had a blood pressure and weight. My scores were “almost perfect” said the nurse

Then I had an Italian nurse do an ECG, he said thin people had heart attacks too.

Then I had an Xray

Then I met Roger the posh gentleman from the hospital, we were in at the same time.

Had to wait until nearly Noon , I arrived at 9.30. I didn’t mind had a good natter with Roger

Then I saw one of the Cardiac team

He said I was doing so well.

He examined my chest and pressed on it.

It will take up to a year to heal total where its tender.

Otherwise I’m doing great.

Do not pick my leg scabs he said.

Then he discharged me, no need to see me anymore.

I told him there would be chocolate in the future.

I have bought a stack of chocolate for the cardiac crew but it’s too heavy to carry, but they will get it.

I also have to give a stack of chocolate to D5 and all the other folks that did all the week of tests before my op, at City hospital Birmingham.

So that’s all my news. My sister and the ladies who are as old as my mother would be, maybe 90 year-olds have also been wearing out the Rosary beads, not to mention candles lit and prayers said on 2 or 3 continents. So I thank them all. I’ve also been told that cranberry juice is great, so I’ve been trying that.

All I need now is to win the lottery so we can move house and I get my own bathroom. But that would be too cheeky to ask God for, God is Good, but he is not an estate agent, though there are many mansions in Heaven.

So since then over 8 years now. We Got the cat, Totoro. We got a nice new house

but up the steepest of hills, enough to kill a healthy person. Daughters are even more beautiful and off the chart clever. I did get my own bathroom by my bedroom, but with my

CkD now being so bad, and maybe Dialysis in a few years time, and massive Pain on my left shoulder and Tinnitus like Gone with the Wind in my Head.

I’m alive but in much much pain. So should I complain, or just hope for another miracle

4400 pieces of writing on my Blogger and Translations Galore here on WordPress

Do I have to die before I get any recognition for my Words.

Rewards I never expect any, and you all know my views on what money is for

I still have a dream, a typist and more

But would I ever be Good enough, never

But sometimes God scrapes the very bottom of the barrel

and says you know what

Men are made of clay, maybe with a bit of spit

he’ll do

So as the winds blow, and Global warming can destroy us, if we don’t destroy ourselves

Maybe all there is left is MARY AND HER ROSARY

Word Association

Russian Revolution 2023 should start here, there is only one God


Short stories from Birmingham readers in 162 countries so far HEAR ME READ ALOUD 207 stories written & read by me

Saturday, 15 July 2023

4412 Word Association by Michael Casey

 Word Association (c)

 by Michael Casey

It’s Saturday 15th July 2023, for all of you keeping notes

I went back to bed as I needed more sleep

Tinnitus tires you out, as you have to fight against it

Sky is playing on the computer, the Classic Rock Band from the  80s

I’m going to finish off GLOW later, I’ve had my dinner and our cat Totoro

is back in as she is a Who ER cat, likes going out all the time

The wind is epic, no sunshine here in Birmingham

Portugal is lovely my smallest got back earlier and went to bed

she was up at 3am while big sister had just gone to bed here in Birmingham

Studying/chilling or whatever

I dug out my Rosary beads from Malta, they are i fact Stations of the Cross

So I’ll get  into the groove with them

only I broke them, so I’ve repaired them

No I’m far from holy, but what do you do if Tinnitus keeps you awake?

Now Word Association at the top is the theme which I’ll get around to

Google Ronnie Corbett monologues

So it’s very easy to write, as everything has an association

The thing is how do you stitch them together

Any pile of ingredients are just that Ingredients

Until the cook, the builder, the singer, the carpenter or the teacher

Puts them together

It’s the way I tell them as Frank Carson used to say

Your ingenuity makes all the difference

Just as it’s the staff that makes the Hotel good

and yes I was great, it was the hardest job of my life

But I had FUN

So a singer or a writer puts ideas together

The pencil, I remember using a very sharp craft knife to sharpen mine

at Primary school, I remember Mr Skullian, this is 1967 maybe

So the pencil brings back those memories

Suddenly I discovered I’d have Mr Gallagher in class 4, the next year

that changed my Life,  because partly out of Fear I started to read heavily

Radio 4 appeared a couple of years later

Mr Marshall had a motor bike, and fell off once

1968 maybe, I’ve only just remembered that

Our neighbour at the family house he had a bike

And bikers turned up, Hells Angels, a prostitute lived

in a house in between our house and neighbour

Dope floating in the air, old Mrs Patrick’s house

13 motor bikes in a row, they did not stay forever

the neighbour’s son got involved, County Lines

Before the term was invented

Ended up in Winson Green Jail,

 was that where one of the Great Train Robbers got out

The Green as the Locals used to call it

Anyway the neighbour caught TB or something

Came around to us to say Goodbye

He died, maybe 40 years ago

One of our old lodger he always talked to them

He had a motorbike in his youth

He was yet another Alcoholic

That’s why as a family we never got into alcohol

Save your money for a deposit on a house

If all your lodgers alcoholic then its a turn off

Some were not, for clarity

Anyway this one Jim C

it was sheet ice on the ground, 1inch/2cm thick

He still went to the pub, with 2 walking sticks

But he got a lift home, squeezed into the motor bike side car

The neighour’s wife always rode in the side car

Jim C died in his room, and we contacted his brother

His brother was a Doctor

These are some of the things I’ve grown up with

Being the 5th of 6th in the  family

I was closer to the lodgers and their lives

My brothers were busy studying till 2 am

Oxford and Cambridge has to be won

It is not given away

Now as usual I’m meandering but I hope it’s interesting

So if you think, I’m just a Posh Fat Guy, then that idea is plain BO%$$$

Education is one way out, 

and by the way Lord Daniel Moylan was a few doors further up the street

until his Labour Voting dad moved to a nicer and bigger house 

But I digress, and yes I really did chase Danny up the road throwing

snow balls at him after Midnight Mass

I’m Michael the least of the Caseys , 5 of 6

I need to finish now as the pain is growing and Hemp needs

to be slapped on my shoulder

If Danny or anybody read The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

my first book he’ll spot some places, I’ve just transposed them

But as I’ve not made any money from the writing

Does that mean I’m a total failure

despite 3,000,000 in words, 20 Books and a ton of Bullet Points

no money

Despite readers in up to 162 countries so far

At Least  somebody in Singapore loves my writing

As this past month they have read nearly all of it

Is it my new carer/lover/muse/cleaner  speed typist

or just a boring AI

I’ll never know not unless they take me out for dinner

I’m. not quite that fat in reality

– July 15, 2023 

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4412 Word Association by Michael Casey

 Word Association (c)  by Michael Casey It’s Saturday 15th July 2023, for all of you keeping notes I went back to bed as I needed more s…

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About Me

michaelgcaseyI’ve updated this today 30th May 2023 IS MY PODCAST I’m Michael Casey from Birmingham England, the fat silver haired writer in shades. Beware of Others with the EXACT SAME NAME, they are not me, and would not want to be me … I’ve done loads of writing, 3,000,000 Words worth over 34 years now But before I started I LISTENED to BBC Radio 4 for 20 years, from the age of 10 or younger Frank Brown our lodger, went back to County Tyrone and he gifted us his Bush Radio 55 years in love with words, and I still look so dashing. I have a picture in the attic, just like Dorian Gray I’ve also had an interest in Politics for 50 years with my dad heckling the tv and Politicians. I also suffer various illnesses including Tinnitus which is not a Roman lover, just lots of hiss, a whirlwind HORRENDOUS , and CHRONIC PAIN mainly left shoulder Contact to talk, but enough of the smart alec RUBBISH .

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