Friday, 21 July 2023

Graduation Day 2023

Graduation Day 2023


with all the fun and games  along the way

and a car crash and on fire on the way there, no not our car

Obviously my daughter looked the   Cinderella Bella of the Ball

and little sister has just got a job in a shop shop for Summer

the photos looked fantastic

and it's not for me to show them here

though grannie in Shanghai will no doubt show all her friends

up on high were she lives touching the sky

and that's what my daughter did with the grade she got

so now I'll slap on some pain killer

I had to stay home for the Graduation as I cannot guarantee

how much pain i have on a day to day or hourly basis

just leave me in a corner whimpering 

till the pain killer kicks in, or I hide in bed the Tinnitus ricocheting

in my head

so what are the chances of anybody finding that appealing

maybe a Singapore girl, but 0.0000001% chance of that

so why are you still reading my stuff

you've got me on a hook with curiosity 


the girl who reads all my stuff, must be my future, or maybe it's just a female undertaker

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