REDEMPTION a new idea for a story i woke up with.
you can translate via Google Translate it's easy
My Arthritis was ok 2 hours ago when I had my last 2 hour session of sleep, now 2 hours later it really hurts.
so when I write down REDEMPTION you can use google translate to translate it for yourself if english is not your mother tongue.
See you later.
Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict and going to travel to
North Korea to Celebrate Mass in the Capital
watch this space.....

you can translate via Google Translate it's easy
My Arthritis was ok 2 hours ago when I had my last 2 hour session of sleep, now 2 hours later it really hurts.
so when I write down REDEMPTION you can use google translate to translate it for yourself if english is not your mother tongue.
Redemption ©
By Michael Casey
The neighbours are noisy again dad. I know they are just like
children showing off, or having a party while mum and dad are out. Why are they
like that though? Because their parents are modern, and don’t want to put them
over their knee and pull down their pants and slap their bare arse. Didn’t that
happen to Michael Casey when he was four for ringing Mrs Patrick’s doorbell and
running away. Yes, and even though he hid in the Pantry his on mother meted out
the penalty. And he still remembers it 50 plus later.
Why don’t you go next door and do the same to our neighbours
dad? I am tempted, but it would be such a shock for them, you know me in my
position, lowering myself to their level. But they are so noisy dad, and all the
neighbours on the block would thank you. I am not the bully on the block,
people don’t even know that you and me exist, we are so quiet after all, you
could almost say we are undercover.
Dad, the neighbours are at it again, even the Wembley crowd
for the boxing last night weren’t as noisy, I really think you should go around
and say a few words. But even if I did they’d be at it again as soon as my back
was turned. You could say you ae a very important person and that you have
friends in high places. They may shut up then, they really are making so much
noise and upsetting the whole neighbourhood.
Thanks dad, they’re not making so much noise now I can get on
with my homework, I want to be a Doctor after all. A Doctor or What? I haven’t
decided yet, I may even become a Professor just like you dad. Dad glows with
pride. I have made them quieten down, I was naughty I messed with their power
supply. Like you did before? Yes, but don’t tell your mum or she’ll kill me.
The noise drops, but it soon returns. Dad looks at his child
working hard at his books, he looks skyward and mutters, give me strength. Son,
I have to do something now, forgive me, but the noisy kid on the block really
does have to realise now he is just a nothing, less than nothing. Please
forgive me Son, I’ll make it up to you.
So like a Navy Seal the Alien ascends from the ocean floor, he
has been observing planet Earth for millions of years. Now North Korea has been
behaving like a bully on the block with the noisy disco party. All the
neigbours are upset and afraid. Only an Alien has the power to shut him down.
Standing by Kim’s bed the Alien whispers in his ear. Disarm and go live in
Switzerland again and eat Camembert again. Korea should reunite, and as for all
your toys, your noisy toys that fly in the night sky. Who do you think has been
switching them off? Or do you want a massive earthquake to destroy North Korea?
The choice is yours, my patience is over, and no this is not a dream thanks to
too much cheese.
The Alien enters Kim’s mind and puts the fear of God into him,
frozen with fear that lasts forever, there is no end to time in your mind. The
Alien walks away, as he does every missile Kim has in his toy cupboard explodes.
Dad does this mean we have to leave now? Yes, I’m afraid it
does, I did promise Jesus never to reveal myself as humans would not be able to
grasp the idea of Aliens as they call us.
And how did you meet Jesus, dad?
helped him carry his cross to Calvary.
See you later.
Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict and going to travel to
North Korea to Celebrate Mass in the Capital
watch this space.....

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