Sunday, 2 June 2024

17 again, no not Annie Lenox, I have that CD Peace since 1999

 well Tinnitus is trying to kill me

and the amount of white sticky phlegm makes me choke

penicillin has not shifted it yet

and comets and solar flares are in the air

so maybe

Mary needs to save not just me, but all of us

note the angel on the wall in the photo

I got that in 1999

it has fades as it is a water colour

it's to the left of me in the fireplace

My head is fit to explode, its the sound of being in a fire

maybe I should pray more

Putin's EVIL has set the world on Fire

and TRUMP wants to turn the clock back

to when Women were just so much cattle

to be herded and branded

anybody with daughters knows the answer to him

I got up rather than be a target for Tinnitus

 I got up rather than be a target for Tinnitus  I've had breakfast and  my daily meds coughed my guts up till i choke you have to slow d...

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...