Sunday, 30 June 2024

30th June 2024

 well i got up as Tinnitus was screaming

I've had breakfast and let cat out

my head is making me bow down

the weather is a lot cooler

i have to unjam the curtains later

in a bit I'll go back to bed to finish my unsettled sleep

six more weeks and first student goes back

for a 2nd degree

then 4 weeks afterwards, student 2 resumes university

3rd year, with a plan for a Masters after that

So I need to check my lottery, see if I can help out more

if I win money

PhD maybe as she'd need more backing

then not one but 2 kind of doctors in the family

But I'm happy so long as they are happy

even if the work at Woolworths

because where you feel at home real matters most

Read SHOLIFE from 1988 its in Amazon

these words won't appear in any book of mine

but they do rack up the total

that's why I estimate 3,000,000 words now

Hong Kong are the new big readers

Singapore sucked everything out and have had enough of me

And yes Publishers, you could all pay me

Or is the size of Kim's backside more newsworthy

now i'm exhausted enough to sleep through Tinnitus 

So I'll go back to bed to resume my Rubic cube life

ON the UK Election

Nigel is a bar room bore, in love with the sound of his own voice

You should all be voting Tactically always

And there are far too many strangers appearing

in constituencies, claiming to love the area

even though they are from 100s of miles away

Read chapter 9 and chapter 10

of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker by Michael Casey, that's me

I was ahead of my time, 36 years ahead of my time, as far a GAMBLING

on elections go


time for a FART

then back to bed

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...