Tuesday, 4 June 2024

4845 Battered and Broken

Battered and Broken

my tinnitus is off the chart these past few days

I think its the solar flares and astroids in the air

cold weather, wind, does affect me

my hernia hurts like hell too

I'm not coughing like a donkey any more

instead I nearly choke to death, my face going bright red

yes really

i discover if i bend double the phlegm comes out

and gasping for breath I can recover

breathe I saying to my self

I sound very Arabic, guttural as I HAC HAC as I cough my guts up

so if I choke to death, all my words will stop

I'm happy enough to die Peacefully in my bed

I've had so many years of pain now

But I'd like to see my 2 daughters start their careers

so a few more years

Or can I be the oldest man in the world

and have 4 sons, or daughters more

IF I had the Health back

and somebody rich enough to support us

as I just become an even older house husband

You have to have a dream no matter how surreal

as your head spins and you think you'll die

all my aches and pains

I need to lie down now, i;ve been up 3 hours

after a mainly sleepless night again

Tinnitus attacking me in my bed so I got up to avoid 

being a sitting target, or in my case a lying in my bed 

position, and yes my hernia hurts like hell

Just so you all know

I don'0t expect a birthday honour,  they are all a load of nonsense

but I'll accept a Nobel Prize as you get a million dollars too

I have to have something to pass on to my student daughers 

after all

enough I'll lie down now

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and t.co came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...