Friday, 13 May 2022

Mass in Fatima 13th May 2022 this morning

Mass in Fatima 13th May 2022 this morning

I watched the Mass from Fatima today while I was waiting for Tinnitus to calm down

Right now it's Force 10 from Navarone in my head

It's no joke, and for some...

Anyway I've also said a few Rosaries for Peace in Ukraine

The Russians are Barbarians and must be stopped

So what will it take

Should all the Generals be stripped naked and tied to a tree

The ordinary soldier who refuses to fight is getting such treatment

An army will fight to the death for a great leader

But being whipped to fight is ending in Disaster already

Putin does not care for his fellow men

Just for GOLD, and maybe he's hidden some away

for a rainy day, and that day is today

So all of you keep on praying

The result is certain, Putin will fail

BUT how much destruction will he do 

before he is beaten

Russians stand up to him, Open your Eyes

Putin is just in it for Himself

Him and the Billionaire Class

He Poisons those who disagree with him

And not just in Salisbury

Hear the Bells Ringing, like the Tinnitus on my Head

The only Future for Russia is when Putin is Gone

So  Do something today

He cannot arrest everybody

His WAR can end immediately 

Just say a pray for Sanity

Christians don't kill their brothers

Putin's Pride before his Fall

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...