Thursday, 27 June 2024

Lunatic or Geriatric ?

Lunatic or Geriatric ?

Trump or Biden

I'll stick with Biden

at least he has a team

but Trump

is just a raging bull in a china shop

who'll sell his mother down the river

He claims he is perfect

and everybody else is a Liar a Cheat and a Fraud

Trump has no mirror obviously

He loves only himself and MONEY a close 2nd

A leader, a father of the Nation 

Puts everybody first and himself last

When has Trump ever done that

Maga has corrupted everything

1776 you got ride of Kings

Now Trump wants to be an Emperor

because King is not good enough

and why does everybody in GOP

queue up to Kiss Trump's backside

Trump is not  Moses dividing the Red Sea

all he has is a sea of RED ink

A Tale of Multiple Bankrupt Businesses

What has Trump done, actual done

for the working man


Just complain

Stop and Think America

If Alaska or Florida were invaded would Trump

give it away to Moscow


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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...