Sunday, 30 June 2024

computer updates and hackers

computer updates and hackers

I was scanning the press

Update your windows 11 TODAY

the hackers are about

too many hackers

Russians and North Koreans especially

and NOBODY bothers with computer SECURITY

June 1978

yes 46 years ago I started on DEC PDP 1170s

yes I still know nothing

BUT I do know SECURITY is everything

ANd it must be made LAW

Computer SECURITY and all that

Forget the BIG BONUS

Built the Fire Walls and Backups etc

You can screw a society with a CLICK


and where is all the Magic Money coming from

After the Election

I don't trust any of them


and Nigel is a Trump supporting Riff Raff

God alone knows the Future

Trump runs for President from a Jail Cell

we will all find out on the 11th July

and what if Biden throws the towel in

The whole world in a spin

and yet another Astroid homing in

Trump will be running for a Get Out of Jail FREE CARD


As for me got out of bed, had enough sleep

But my left should pain is insane

would drive you all to drink

and the pain killer that I slap on my shoulder

is never strong enough

and others just destroy my kidneys even more

ZZ top brothers are passing by

my neighours have serious serious beards

meanwhile Taylor Swift is torturing me

no not kinky or like that

just her singing

maybe it was her beau passing by

come to smack me for calling her tortured

he wouldn't be able to carry me

I'm heavier than Tyson Fury

19 stones or 266 pounds now or 120kilos or so

and 5 feet 10

its my serious thighs and toned backside

Beyonce sends me hate mail still

because I twerk better than her


me 30 years ago below

the old house where I started writing in 1987

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...