Sunday, 23 June 2024

God awful Tinnitus. 23 june 2024

God awful Tinnitus

It just does not stop, not even after a few hours

Its like going into a teenagers bedroom

Wall of Sound, of NOISE

it physically hits you

ME not You but ME

don't give me the nonsense patronising BS

I know I've has 5 years of it now

and its getting worse

so I don't sleep

then when I'm literally about to fall over

then I sleep, I'm in bed already

that's why I send emails to Moscow in the  dead of the night

I'm using my Tinnitus constructively

If I'm poisoned by the FSB then you know 

it's not all been going to the Junk box

I do know folks in Russia do read

I can see by the figures

Can I start a revolution from my Tinnitus bed

that is the question

When the average Ivan cannot get Gas for his car

Because its sold cheaply to India and China to pay for the war effort

and Ukraine are bombing the petrochemical facilities


maybe Ivan will remove Putin

He trusts nobody and his family is now ion charge

So the slow motion to his DEFEAT

has already started

Our Nigel is a total waste of space

Always has been, a Bar Room Know it all


this will sink him, they should sure

he does not get elected

Yes I can argue Historical nuances


Nigel got it wrong and it will sink his Reform

Read Chapter 9 of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker by Michael Casey , ME

Married to a Person, Married to a People

and yes Gambling on Elections

I said it nearly 40 years ago

so  thank you all for catching up with me

Ahead of my time

Go read the book, the whole world is

But none of you pay me, yet

Look on Amazon, and support your fat writer

19 stones or 120 kilos only now

16stones 4 was my fighting weight all my life, kind of

decades carrying heavy stuff

and I do have such firm backside

on that thought I'm so exhausted so I may sleep

So I'm going back to bed

see you later, maybe

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...