Monday, 9 May 2022

Waiting for the exams to be over

Waiting for the exams to be over

Well it's exam time in our house

Big Daughter is at University, she has 3 days of exams left in May

Meanwhile back here in Birmingham

Small daughter has littered the study, ok the front room where I'm sat

She has littered the floor with folders

Open folders for me to trip and fall over

And no she is not trying to kill me 

for the life insurance, as I don't have any

just pennies left in my Private Pension fund

Small daughter has 9 papers to do

starting in 2 weeks time and continuing for a month

So I have a month to continue tripping over folder

Totoro our cat comes in to have a look

and wipe her backside on Techtonics

Before sitting in the front room window

Like an Amsterdam madame

Why do cats like to sit in windows

As for me my Tinnitus has exploded in my head 

and refuses to quieten

I've slapped pain killer on my shoulder too

And paracetamol taken for my head

Luckily I get boxes of 200 from my Pharmacy

Yes 6 times what you can buy in shops

But, I'm special as you know already

I can hear you all laugh at that

As special as coffee spilt all over the floor

I did that already, luckily I have plenty of A4 paper

to mop it up with, thanks to my Student

Annie Lennox is singing in another room

I have doors open as it's hot

An old smart speaker and an old phone connected

So my Old music collection can still be heard

I have to have music 24/7 to distract me from Tinnitus

Though lately when I wake up instead of an hour

to calm down, it lasts all day

A bit like living near a motorway I suppose

In reality I live on a hill, yes I am a fool on a hill

next to a wood

But the hill is so steep it could kill you

especially if you have a bad heart

I did have a quadruple heart bypass already

I'm smiling now, what will kill me first

Though I do intend to last as long as I can

I still dream of writing that sequel

to The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

and the sequel will be Tears for a Butcher

all I need is that Korean typepist

And then we have 4 kids and form a Kpop band

Though in reality,

A tap the window, small daughter is back home

Time for cuddles with Totoro the cat, then back to the books

10 hours a day studying  is what she does

now the background music has changed as she is home

She ate my salmon from the fridge, at least it wasn't the cat

So I need to get some shoppin in for another week

And on it goes the circle of life

and my own circle of pain

but I should not complain, I am not in Ukraine

and neither are you

I'll try and write a new piece to keep us all smiling

Tototo has just come in the study, but left in disgust

maybe it was the music, or just the smell from me

my painkiller gel, though I will fart later

as my Aunty Delia in Killarney used to say

wherever you are, wherever you may be, let you wind go free

Do they fart in spacesuits or spaceships

And there are no windows to open either

That's enough for now

I must watch a Kdrama

they are the best thing in my life as far as TV goes

I could be a PSY stand-in

though he is much smaller

How do they dance so well in Korea

That's all The Sound of Magic is calling me

another tap at the window

Food Fairy has come

ok , bye all for now

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham

                   me clean shaven a few months ago

 Costco a few months ago, me and small daughter

Malta 2013 Cisk Lager

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For the Press Corps Sanity in USA

 You must have heard about 10. points where was that line come from Bible maybe, where he started and went about preaching am I right or are...