Wednesday, 19 June 2024

today I'm in hell

today I'm in hell

the sound of being in a furnace in my head


it' horrendous

all you can do is hide in bed

or get up when being a target is too much

it's soul destroying and tiring

and you have to fight it

throw in arthritis 

not a pretty picture

one daughter is collecting very high marks for 2 year University

the other will be off again for her 2nd degree in a couple of months

20 years of BBC Radio 4 was my University

and then 36 years of writing on top

so 56 years in total, kind of

but don't dare look down on me

as you will discover your own failings

my contemporaries are PhDs

so stick that in your pipe

I'm cranky with all the noise and pain I have today

Intelligence is Speed of Thought

but lots of people have never thought of that


I don't know how I survive it all, the pain that is

and I've just had a coughing fit

so I have to hold my hernia

or it hurts like hell

Anyway The BOYS is so funny and crude

you will all love it, maybe

And New Amsterdam is on too

that show makes me cry

though you may say, my writing does that to you

My new comedy Kdrama Miss Night and Day

Miss Night and Day

is very funny

it's like a Carry On film,Korean style,maybe

my head is screaming and fizzing still
and  the Neem pain killer on my left shoulder
and on my hip is getting up my nose

such is my life

you would all swoon like a Kdrama star if you met me

that's all for today

there are a ton of Translations on my Wordpress
and in Korean too, 7 full books

yes I 'd love to be published and. PAID

in  Korea

but  Jeff Bezos delivering a pizza to my house is more likely

and  he knows where I live

the girl on bike has no idea

oh, I forgot the  old lady incarnation in the story
reminds me of my Shanghai mother in law so much

this is the younger version in  the  Kdrama


by Michael Casey. 내 영혼은 ©. 으로. 마이클 케이시. 내 영혼은 많은 것. 내 영혼은 비어 있고 사랑이 부족해. 내 영혼은 표류하며 항구를 찾아.
michaelgcasey. Follow. LINks for Translations Galore. OUT이 아닌 300 · Download · korean-translation-still-alive-2015 ... all-for-korea · Download · outec9db4- ...
3 Apr 2022 — This is a very funny book, it's a Thank YOU for all my Korean Readers, I'm really enjoying Into The Ring, I wish the female lead was in ...
... michaelgcasey@hotmail.com을 사용하면 다음과 같은 FUNNY 같은 폴더에 메시지를 넣을를 전송 한 후, 물건을 부착. Hotmail, yahoo, gmail, gmx, aol 및 기타 계정을 ...

Thank you Korea for bringing. happiness into my life via Kdramas

teaching my daughters to fly 10 years ago maybe

Wikipedia › wiki

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...