Sunday, 15 May 2022

the next day

 the next day was fine

sounds like a start of a deep south film voiceover

but right now my head in hurting like a hangover

and my left shoulder throbs

painkillers taken 90 mins ago

then arthritis cream spread like jam on my shoulder

so that's  why nothing new today

I can bullet point like this

but to write properly I need a clear head and no pain

Tinnitus is not so bad right now

and hello to Rixy  who used to say Not so Bad all the time

30 years ago

a memory bubbling up

Barry White is singing, everybody should listen to Barry

My daughters are fans, I used to play him as they grew up

Mass on  the Internet soon

My closest Church is down then UP our steep hill

and service is limited as Priest is in bad health

Add Covid to it

Then I'm an Internet Mass man

in need of Communion

i did get a bottle of Easter Holy water and have splashed it everywhere

No miracle cures for me, just a life of chronic random pain,  with Tinnitus on top

As I  said before I have been sending Holy pictures to Russia   or  

is what I found so send them an email and a two line message

I've been sending icons of the Virgin Mary

so if you all have a search you could do the same

The straw that breaks the camels back is nearly here

All these Nuclear Threats come down to this

Where will PUTIN spend all his stolen money

IF everywhere is glowing in the dark from Radiation

Chernobyl is still dangerous and full of contamination

That's one reason they retreated

Then 170,000 extra Diplomatic Passports ordered by USSR 2.0

They must be selling them each for a million dollars to the still rich Russians

So please God it will be all over soon

Or it could end in a nuclear flash, but I hope not

Russians are reading Me, and the rest of the  world too

So Pray everybody, or send a holy picture to as many Russian email addresses  

you can find

Phycological Warfare maybe

It is always better to die a free man, than be in chains

or maybe Putin reads my book and then he shoots himself in the head

Would that be Literary Criticism?

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11 nations reading today, plus Brunei on wordpress

 So 12 of you, have you got nothing better to do? Thank you My head is exploding and I've slapped on neem on my arthritis shoulder and M...