Monday, 17 June 2024

piece 4860

 hello to the nice black lady I met outside the QE today

I was 10 maybe when I started listening to BBC Radio 4

If you can persuade your son

Then he'll be smarter, and HE will notice it,  by Christmas

and if you promise to get him a screen protector for his phone

maybe he can be persuaded to start on an adventure with words

I spent 20 years listening to BBC Radio 4

Then a year teaching my myself to write

by Leap Years Day 1988

I had written my first book The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker by Michael Casey

yes that was me in the silly new Chinese beret talking to you today

Now I've written 20 books they are on Amazon

but as I said to you

2000 stories online,  4860 pieces of writing to read

I was a precocious reader

BUT a ton of easy to read stuff

for HIM and for you as well

Yes I bore people every time I escape to the QE

But, nice lady with the baby and the 10 years old son

Little things can change your life

and Listening to BBC Radio 4 will help

as it did for me

here's an old story from 4 years ago

Saturday 22 August 2020

Clear Vision

Clear Vision ©
Michael Casey

Well it’s my nose that cannot see right now, I’m so full of snot it’s unbelievable and hard to breath properly. I can hear you all say, try living with Rodrigo here in Colombia, then you’d know about not breathing. I’m going to watch It’s Ok, to not be Ok, my latest Kdrama before I continue, I’ve just shouted at Taylor Swift to stop screaming in the background while I go into the other room to watch my Kdrama. So I’ll be back, as that bodybuilder from down the local store used to scream at me as he stacked the toilet tissue, Bless Him.

Clear Vision, what exactly is it? I did go blind for a day 11 or 12 years ago, I’d been stuck on a screen at work all day controlling the print flow and my eyes went haywire. That’s why I wear shades in front of my PC at home, to protect my eyes, and you all thought I was a poser, in my 2USD Alibarbar  shades. I did have Raybans for 9 years, unclaimed lost property, but now I’ve got these shades, they are actually oversized women’s shades. So all your guesses were right, I am just a big fat woman, which sounds like a  song. No, it’s because I have a big head, but you knew that already, you are all such such such, you can pick your own words, as well as noses. You are so cruel to me sometimes. I can see through you, I have Clear Vision.

Our Vision can be hampered by our own failings and prejudices, you hate them so much, why? Because they got better grades than you in a test in 6th grade, and now you are grown men, in the locker room playing on the same team. I actually had a hard time for a year for that very same  reason, though it was a guy in my rugby team, and he was the milkman’s son, I wonder would he recognise himself. Google Benny Hill and Ernie the Fastest Milkman in the West song, it’ll make you laugh, even after 40 years. But it is just an example of how our own stupidity can hamper our vision.

Politics ruins our vision, it in fact blindfolds us at times. We have tunnel vision, so we see one good thing and forgive the 10,000 bad things.  When in fact we should see everything and then decide with the balanced view. Like the statues of Justice. And yes the rest of the world looks on in horror at Trumps dystopia, it’s not me being  Liberal, or Socialist, and the average American is plain ignorant of what those words actually mean, especially if their world view is just Fox news. People need to grow up and look around. Jesus is a Liberal by the way, hate the sin not the sinner. Love one another, whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren and all that. Not allow billionaires to avoid tax, in the President’s very own footsteps, not on a beach, but on the road to Perdition.

I side tracked myself there, but Biden has caught up with me, it really is all about Soul, and like all good Soul music it needs rhythm. So Biden, keep the rhythm going, be great at the rhythm method in fact, and then it will be a Love in. Getting back to the theme Love can blind you too, so you don’t see the faults in a partner, business or love, 17 non-disclosures aside. You need to step back or you cannot see the wood for the trees, I can remember my brother using that  expression 45 years ago when he was talking to me. If you are in the middle of a crowd, or in the middle of a wood, surrounded by trees you cannot see the path out. It’s like Google Earth, we now know where Boris was on holiday, but only by zooming out do we know exactly where it is, and just how beautiful Boris is in his woolly hat.

A plan does help too, so you have a path, a vision of where you want to go. Making  it up as you go along, may be ok if you are a writer who’s loved words for 50+ years, so you can get away with it. But for ordinary folks and Politicians having a plan is best, and if it fails get another plan, don’t glue yourself to a disaster, change course. And don’t Lie and BS about it, in the end you will be found out, you are always found out, so it’s best to raise your hand and accept the punishment then move forward again. A bit like Confession, you come out sparkling clean so you can start all over as if nothing had gone wrong. God will give you a second chance, 77 x 7 forgiveness in fact, which is actually more than the literal answer,  77x7 = 539. But you can go ask your Pastor to explain, I’m just a former altar boy and reader.

I’m sorry if I’m boring my reader O in Chicago, he prefers my non-political stuff, but he has Inner Visions, a great  album by Stevie Wonder, that’s how we met. We were at yard sale and we fought over the album, obvious I won, I stole his ray bans as well, only they were too small so I gave them away. So O, you owe me some fatboy's ray bans. And in return I’ll play Inner Visions over the phone to you, so you can record it on a cassette player, but don’t play it in front of Stevie or he’ll wonder where you got it from.

p.s. The Kidney crew as QE hello to you, and a plastic funnel to pee through to collect a sample is a great improvement. And I hope you liked my cheap French Chinese beret
my daughters could not tell the difference between it and another one I have, the Chinese one has the nipple on the head, which maybe is the best position to be in.

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...