Monday, 15 May 2017

North Korea and Me

Its a catchy title to grab your attention. I did actually nearly go to Korea, South Korea 20 years ago to teach English. Instead I met and married a Shanghai girl.

When we had the Cyber Attack on  the NHS and the rest of the world a couple of days ago 
I immediately said to my family North Korea was behind it.

Now on the ticker I'm proved right.

This is the Logic of Insanity.

If I die you die, MAD , mutual assured destruction.

This also proves to me that only an act of God, Heart attack or  Earthquake 11 points on Richer Scale

Will stop this madness.

Appeasement does not work, ask Chamberlain, the family are Birmingham  people by the way.

After the 3 nuclear bombs are used to disarm North Korea, and after Hawaii is nuked by his rusting

old submarine. A car bomb style delivery not a missile, park and kill.

Then we will say no more new nuclear states will be allowed.

Then Russia and USA will cut their nuclear arms in half, still being able to destroy the world many

times over. If its true we have nuclear under the sea weapons, these could destroy  coastal USA but

poison the seas forever. So no Nuclear is Space or Sea will be agreed.

If you read my story REDEMPTION a week or so ago that talks about this too.

I'll write something Comic  in the morning. Though 45 years ago maybe in a comic book I read that a child dreamed of pointing his finger and all the gangsters disappeared. All the scar faced gangsters. So it makes you think who would you point your finger at. 

The Logic of Insanity tells me things will get worse before they get better. Perhaps Putin will insert himself into the situation. Perhaps Trump will resign and Pence will have to decide what to do, just as Truman did.

Maybe we'll all wake up and you'll all be reading my comic short stories syndicated world wide. And I'll finally have a   nice house. Or maybe It's a dream and I'll wake up in bed with Rupert Murdoch, instead of somebody just as clever but female and much much younger.

Ok, its better to laugh than live in fear, besides Kim is coming to Birmingham for our Jazz Festival, Cadburys is here so that should entice him to make Peace. Come to Birmingham Kim, and live in Peace in Bournville the home of Cadburys.  But if you are Cadburys update your antiVirus NOW!

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