Wednesday, 17 May 2017

What do Words Mean?

What do Words Mean?
Michael Casey

Well I said I’d write something comic so here it is. Tonight we discover that Trump asked the FBI to stop investigating Flynn, I’m not going to write about that but as stated in an earlier piece I do think Trump will resign, to spend more time with Barron, in fact I recommended he should.

So tonight I’m going to explain the Meaning of Words, for the Meaning of Life you should go ask Monty Python, or maybe my daughter as she is going her Religion exam tomorrow. No I’ve decided to talk about this just a few minutes ago, after I slapped on the Movelat pain killer.

I have readers all over the world and I did put a load of Translations on this site but anybody who uses a computer knows how to get a translation, Google is good. For others my backup site Translates if you just click on the Square  I hope that’s simple for any of you who have English as a 2nd Language.

To my theme though, What do Words Mean?
I Love You. Means I Love You.
I Love You? Means a Question, I love you ?
I Love You. Was also used by Judas, so it means something else.
So how things are SAID makes a difference, as does context. That’s why actors get confused by just 3 simple words, for us the writers its simple. I love you, I love you, I love you, means three different things, if only actors could just read what’s on the page.
I Love You can actually mean I HATE you.
And I hate You, can actually mean I LOVE YOU. You might say this over your own mother’s grave, you hate her because she has left you all alone in this world. But obviously you LOVE HER.

I love you may just mean you want sex with a girl, but you say I love you because the use of that word gets her in your bed. If you just said can I sleep with you, then she is affronted, and slaps your face and thinks you are a bastard, and may go to bed with your best friend instead.

So the use of language can win or lose the girl. Conversely by saying I really want to eat your biscuit, which is a metaphor, that can be a very rude thing to say, but the girl likes the honest and so you eat her biscuit with a cup of tea on the side, or several.

So language and even extreme rude language can win the day, because people get fed up with all the pretentious language, and the girl likes honesty. We have convention and years of conditioning that controls or language in the mating game. Can you just come to bed before I get wrinkles, you are my duvet.

Now I could use extreme language and coarse language, repeatedly, repeatedly and repeatedly till I fall over exhausted after an hour. But that would be the cheap option, or even a metaphor, so I won’t do it I’ll just leave it to to you imagination. Less is more, more or less, depending on how many cups of tea and biscuit you are having. I hope I have made myself clear, if I have not then maybe my language is not up to the challenge, if that’s another metaphor you’ll have to decide for yourselves.

See words are weapons and the pen is mightier than the sword, I know I have used my pen as a sword in the past, and no that is definitely not a metaphor. Ask a few CEOs and they will recognise my name. But what of you in Portugal or France or Poland or Germany or any other far flung place that reads my words, do you realise that words are also tokens of love and by using them right you can win the fair maiden and you can both grow old and fat with your 10 children.

I have 1,068,000 words on the page, in my books on Amazon as you read them you’ll see how my themes have grown and changed over years. The one thing that remains the same is that I want to make you all smile wherever you are in the world. I don’t want to shock you, I just want to be a cartoon and cartoons don’t use bad words, they are there to make their point via laughter.

Anybody can swear, and I do on occasions, but on the page that I’m sharing with people all over the world I want to make you laugh. If I’m using a metaphor or Pantomime humour I hope it doesn’t shock you to the core. I want readers from 10 to 110 to enjoy my words. And if you divide 10 into 110 you get the 11 ways to eat your biscuits, and yes that is a metaphor you can explain to your boyfriend. So be careful of all the crumbs that’s all I’ll say, I just hope that now you really do understand what words mean.  

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