Saturday, 6 May 2017

The Pearl Of Great Price

The Pearl Of Great Price (c)
Michael Casey

I was hunting around on the computer and the Internet today and it reminded me of several things. The Pearl Of Great Price, The Widow's Mite,and the story of the search for the lost one dinare coin.
You can ask your own Priest to explain it to you.
Remember I was a Reader for 5 years and an altar boy for 8 and I've attended Mass all my life, I have slipped a bit these past 2 years, Pain and so on makes it difficult to attend. But if To Work is to Pray, then maybe To Be in Pain is another kind of Prayer. You can Discuss that with the bloke in the queue at the chip shop.

So I was wondering should I be a Sermon Reviewer, or just hold up a score card like in Strictly Come Dancing. Or should we all have a button in the benches and press it when we'd had enough of a boring sermon.
A sermon, can meander and end up confusing folks. Its not a change for the priest to bore the flock, who may head for the mint sauce,or even the wolf. Nor to show he went to seminary for six years, he is a Dr or PhD, or something, a BORE. Yes a BORE, a Sermon is for one thing only, to Share and Explain the Word of God.
Not bore us with his personal life, we know he lives alone, apart from the his housekeeper. Who would marry him anyway, people mutter outside when they have a post Mass fag.
Now if any of this hits a cord with you, then you have to tell your Priest to his face. Some priests are like Marmite, people either Love or Hate it, ditto the priest.
So what can we do to help them, maybe all get up and light a candle simultaneously. The extra money from the candles can buy Stella Artois for the priest and his housekeeper. So after dinner the whole congregation in church and start ringing the church bells. The priest comes running out to see what is happening.
i was having my dinner, and the Stella Artois was nice too.
Glad you liked it, but WE would like to have OUR dinner on time, so keep those sermons short!
So there you have it, a humble priest who keeps his sermons short is indeed like a PEARL OF GREAT PRICE.

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