Saturday, 13 May 2017

Cartoons and Donald Trump

Just go to the daily Telegraph and look at their cartoons.

i use words to draw cartoons I just wish I could actually draw them.

i've had toast and tea and pain killers so i'll try and get some sleep now its 3.45am only me and Donald are awake i imagine.

So Donald, can I give you advice as a parent. You  seem to really really love all your children.

Me, due to lack of job opportunities and then ill health I've spent a lot of time with my girls, so I am very fortunate because of that. If I get to your age before I die I'll be content, at least both my girls will have their PhDs by then.

As for you,  I'd say just walk away from this day job and play golf with Barron, these next few years are the  most important in HIS life. So let him remember you at your very best.

You've proved everything to yourself.

Now have quality time with Barron, and even back to the business that you love.

Why be President when you can be a Father full Time, I know which one I'd chose.

I am already a Father full time, despite my Arthritis and CkD and my quadruple heart bypass.

Its always better to walk before you are pushed.

Other than that my Pharmacist is a really good golfer, so why not play a round or two with him.

Me, all I'm fit for is writing stories, over 1100 of them,  over 1,066,000 Words and counting.

If you know any Publishers then all my material is up for grabs, there is only one Michael Casey
after all....

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