Saturday, 27 May 2017

Ballet and Life something from 2 years ago

Ballet and Life ©
By Michael Casey

Well I hope you all liked last night's middle of the night post. I got a good few views on my other site, but if sex is in the title that tends to happen even if it’s not about sex after all. I’m not in such acute pain today, the Saturday before Christmas, so we had a family day of eating Toblerone and watching a docudrama about Rudolf Nureyev. It was really good and follows on from my girls seeing their first ballet.
We also heard the sad news that a neighbour has died of a heart attack, he was a couple of years younger of me.  His kids are the same ages as ours and go to the same school. Made us think of my situation almost a year ago now. I suppose it was not my time to go. I told my wife she should treasure me, or think of the insurance money. If I had known the pain levels after a triple bypass which turned into a quadruple I may have taken my chances without having it. Though it’s the arthritis which is the biggest bastard coming back to tease and haunt me.
My big daughter, who wants to be a doctor, say’s I have to wait around for her little sister to get her PhD in English or something. Their cousin got a double first in English in York and is now doing her Masters in Birmingham, any job offers for her direct to the University. Though I prefer if you go to and help me seek my fortune on the radio and teaching English via comedy, I really want a nice house and a dog before I do die.
It is nice that me and the girls have found another thing to share, ballet not Toblerone. I can see my small daughter’s mind growing at such a fast pace, it’s wonderful, she will outpace me in 3 or 4 more years. Intelligence is speed of thought, not age or how much you know, it’s the speed of your engine. My wife’s uncle who was a Political Editor in Shanghai and then worked in USA, he said my small daughter really was so quick, and he’s right. So it’s my job that she stays Silly too, never be so serious that you forget to have fun too.

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