Saturday, 13 May 2017

Why do I have Total Recall?

Why do I have Total Recall? ©
Michael Casey
Why do I have Total Recall   to remember the Pain
Why do I have Total Recall   to remember the Happiness Before
Why do I have Total Recall   to Never Lose my Parents
Why do I have Total Recall   to Remember Every Single Laugh
Why do I have Total Recall   to Forgive the Lies
Why do I have Total Recall   to Dry the Tears
Why do I have Total Recall   to Share the Future
Why do I have Total Recall   to Learn from the Past
Why do I have Total Recall   to Slow Life Down
Why do I have Total Recall   to Give me Courage
Why do I have Total Recall   to Never be Alone
Why do I have Total Recall   to Keep the Dead Alive
Why do I have Total Recall   to be a Historian of Life
Why do I have Total Recall   to be remember how Love was
Why do I have Total Recall   because sometimes the Past is Better
Sometimes it’s better to Forget and Let the Past Go
Sometimes the Past is like a Shadow or Cloud over the Present
Sometimes we wish we could Wipe our Minds
Sometimes we wish we could Rewind our Words
Sometimes we wish we were Deaf
Sometimes we wish we were Blind
Sometimes we wish we had no Taste
Sometimes we wish we had no Touch
Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes
But if we have no Past
But if we have no Feelings
But this or But that
Finally in the End without Feelings
Finally in the End without Touch
Finally in the End with Love
Finally we would be Nothing just Dead
So we Must try
So we Must have Pain
So we must Scream in the Night
So we must Lie Awake swearing at the Stars
So we must Lie Awake swearing at God
So we must Lie Awake Fighting our Devils and Demons
So we must go to the Edge Of Our Fears
So we must Learn to Pray Again
So we must Learn to Love Again
So we should not be Afraid of Our Total Recall
Its a Gift Few Have
Its a Gift Few Have
Each Moment of Our Lives and Those we Remember is Precious
Our memories Give Them extra Life Past their Death
In Our Memory Life is Immortal
In Our Memory Life is Immortal
And that’s Why I have Total Recall
For in my Life I am sharing God’s Immortality

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