Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Tired and Pained Out

Today Pain came acalling. Right hip, the one I sleep on. Left shoulder and my sweet spot/pain spot on left side. and a mark appeared on my forehead, my daughter said its an alergy to something,but it appeared before too, almost as if I got hit by something.

Maybe its you the readers  being bored by all this talk of pain.And did I tell you I se a Kidney specialist next week.

Yes many millions are far far worse than me, but its not a competition, back in 2013 the Arthritis first hit, then in 2015 the heart. Its just so frustrating when I used to be as strong as an Ox, now I just smell like one. At least I can make people laugh and smile as I potter about the street.

So you haven't got a new story today, maybe in the morning.  USA seems to grab my stories every few hours on a regular basis, so its either Rupert Murdoch being a secret fan, or its the NSA or FBI checking me out. Its not as if I can go undercover, though under the covers is a nice thought, though not with Rupert Murdoch. I stand out with silver hair, and its not just on my head, it goes all down my back too, I am a silver backed Ox.

I can write at the drop of a hat, but when you are in pain and your brain is numbed by it it slows you down.I did once say we should have a Pain Relief Centre, a database and Doctors led society, using Sports medicine knowledge to help relieve pain for long term pain sufferers. You could call it Birmingham Pain for short, all the Manchester crowd would laugh at the title. If you persuaded the Premier League to share their knowledge on pain and recovery then that wold be great PR too.

Ok I'll shut up for tonight.  if you follow the link you can buy my writing, 30 years of slaving over a typewriter. I have teenage daughters, so I really need the money, so can the Bots out there spread the word.

Or do I have to threaten to slap your bots before you bots will help me from the bot of the sales charts.

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