Sunday, 5 March 2017

Translations Galore JAPAN CHINA KOREA POLAND RUSSIA FRANCE PORTUGAL just keep on scrolling then tell all your media

Why all the translations?
Because you lot can read English as its your mother tongue.
But I have readers who have English as their 2nd or 3rd language, after cursing and Anglosaxon.

You lot can afford to buy a book for the price of a pint of beer.

The others need persuading, hence the translations.

I write for RADIO, or is that just the static in my head, I really must clean my ears, or get Totoro our cat to lick them out.

So if anybody reads my stuff then they can pester their local DJ/Host to use my material,
and pay me of course.

Now I'd like to break  the world, and my words are bigger than Jim Kardasian's rear end and I have a million WORDS and more. So IF the translations are read and then passed on to RADIO people then I may get my break, which would have been 50 years in the making. Then I'd be an overnight world wide sensation.

I can even read out my stuff in French or Spanish if somebody does a quality translation for me. I have good fake French and Spanish accents.Other languages would have to be read out by native speakers. So if somebody somewhere reads my stuff in German or Russian perhaps they can annoy radio people on my behalf.

Then I break the world and maybe my Learn English via Humour takes off too. As I look out my window I see a horrible sight, builder's bum as my neighbour is having work done on his house. Is this Fate sticking its tongue out at me?

If I were a woman I may enjoy such a sight, but I am no woman, just a man with potential. Or could it be Kim Kardasian in drag over the road, working as a humble carpenter for a day.    to find my 12 books

The stone building is where my mum as born and raised till she was 12 with 8 other family members, very humble.1920s Kerry Ireland

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