Friday, 10 March 2017

So how do you give it Juice

So how do you give it Juice? ©
By Michael Casey

I’m sat here writing with the family watching tv in the other room, I was wondering what to talk about and I can hear the dramatic music from the film, Salt is the film and we’ve all seen it before but it’s a Friday night so its film night in our house.  Pause for breath that sentence was far too long. But it does illustrate a point, how Music is used to make Drama more exciting.

New paragraph, or a lick of my lips, for dramatic effect. You give a film or a drama juice by adding music, or by changing the tempo. Slow slow quick quick slow, just as a dance moves across the dance floor so does the action in a film. The pace or the lack of pace in a film can make or ruin it. The music makes it, or the style of filming, or even the actors and the acting. It’s a very complicated business and when you have seen as many films as we have in our family then you are little film buffs.

But what would you do to give your own life a bit of juice.  How would you score and direct your own life, would you pause and give long lingering looks into the eyes of the bus driver as you spill your change into the box to pay your fare on the No.11 bus. Would you move like a crouching tiger or leaping dragon as you make your way to your seat on the bus.

Would you whip your handkerchief out with a Shakespearean flourish and clean the seat before you sat on it? Would you bow to the girls and say “your humble servant” and would you spit in the eye of any man that dared to look you in the face? Would you kiss the biggest and baddest of men you meet on the No.11 bus, let him explain that to his crew, as you blow kisses to him and you slide off the bus.

Then you run like hell, you know you have just risked your life with that stunt, but you have injected Drama into your life. Or you may just kiss the biggest and fattest woman on the bus just for fun, but instead of slapping your face hard she just grabs you in a vicelike grip, she’s gonna suck the life out of you.

You thought you were having a laugh on the No.11 bus but you can hear the Jaws theme music screaming in your head, and she is the shark. She is having the kiss of her lifetime and you are like fish food sprinkled into the goldfish bowl, but she is the Orca beneath and the Jaws music plays on and the whole of the top deck is laughing at you. Finally you faint and bang your head on the rail, blood pours from you, only them can you escape. Come back I know first aid screams Doreen after you.

There are many ways to add drama to your life, but paying for a pensioner’s shopping in the supermarket is the nicest thing you can do, it makes them feel there still is a God in today’s world. And you never know who is looking, and not just God, that girl who would never give you a second look will give you a look long look because of your simple act of charity.

She saw you pay for the pensioner’s shopping, and it reminded her of her old dead grannie and you just helped that pensioner. So without any mood music you have plucked at her heart, she’ll go for a coffee with you in the supermarket café. So next time you are about to walk by, don’t, be a little charitable instead, and you could just meet your future wife or husband, it works both ways you know. The music swells in your hearts, as you stir your tea and look loving at each other. The supermarket radio blares in the background, Can I Touch You There sings Michael Bolton, and need I say any more.

So life is Drama but with the boring bits taken out, there aren’t any fiddlers on the roof adding musical emotion to the daily events, there is a fiddler next door but that’s our neighbour. Music and your heart have beats and when they mix and merge that’s when you are having a good life, just make sure you tick when you tock and not tock when you tick.

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