Monday, 13 March 2017

Posturing and Posing and Fiddling Their Expenses

Posturing and Posing and Fiddling Their Expenses ©
By Michael Casey

I was just watching the Press Preview on Sky, Maguire and Pierce always make me laugh, the Punch and Judy of press reviewers. I thought because of today’s events I just had to give my two penny worth. I was amazed that people thought that Sturgeon was given praise for her Political ambush, I thought it was an obvious thing to happen.

I have been a serious news junkie for 50 years now, since I was a child watching Sir Robin Day on tv. As I thought about what to call today’s piece I said to myself they always posture and pose and then fiddle their expenses, so that’s where tonight’s title came from.

I can remember Chas Baird say “Devolution or Revolution” in a Folk club 40 years ago. I can also remember him switching off the PA when a Piper came to play, it certainly cleared the wax from my ears, and yes it was Great too. We were watching Andrew Rieux on tv  tonight as well, then there was a girl in an evening dress play the pipes. It was not Nicola Sturgeon, but the effect was the same, loud and dramatic and just as strong willed.

I admire her strong willed people, but reality has to click in too. If the oil price has been cut in half, where is the money going to come from if the milk cow, England and the rest of the UK no longer pays the piper, Nicola or whoever it is.

No doubt many Scots will hate me, just as Trump would if I ask him to prove who let the dog out, or who’s been tapping him, he’d no doubt swing at me, but not with a golf club. Though he is ½ Scots himself, and it is WRONG to destroy his golf courses by carving them up as a protest.

One figure which really saddened me there was a recent Election I think in California and guess what only 11% bothered to vote, yes only 11%. So if you cannot be bothered to go out and vote then you really do get the Government you Deserve.  So Go Out and Vote.

Polling Stations should be readily accessible, not like an Easter Egg hunt, follow the path till it ends then spin around till when you get dizzy and it’s to the left of the pool of sick where other voters pukes due to all the dizziness. Messing with boundaries and making it hard for people to get to vote because polling places close for 3 hours for a siesta, and then finish early so that the cleaners can clean ready for nude aerobics in the morning is no excuse. Democracy should be seen to be done and not hide the opposite party’s faults, otherwise the public, The we the people are being mooned at by the Establishment.

Yes Politics is very entertaining and unbelievable, especially USA politics if you watch it on Sky, Fox, CNN or BBC. Though as an impartial observer I think it’s sad that Albanian politicians have been barred from Electioneering across the EU, as it might incite trouble amongst the street cleaning workforce EU wide. Or maybe my mixed metaphors are too mixed up for comprehension. Then me and Sturgeon will have confused all the Press tonight.

In the end we need Honesty in Politics, you do things to Help people, and you should be honest enough to say I got it wrong, and can we start all over instead of clinging to the deck of the Titanic. Yes very naïve, but perhaps we should remember what Christ said “Render what is Caesar’s to Caesar, and what is God’s to God.” But then we should also remember what happened to Caesar on the Ides of March, which is tomorrow.

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