Saturday, 18 March 2017

Sing a Long Parody

Sing a Long Parody ©
By Michael Casey

Well the pain has subsided and I’ve slapped a bit of Movelat gel on my shoulders so I should be fine now, last night in the middle of the night the chest pain was something else, so I got up for 2 hours in the night. Totoro our cat thought this was a good excuse for her to go out clubbing, a few hours on the tiles for her, cats have no shame. So at 4am I let her out the front door, she’d return when she’d had a Guinness or three, or whatever cats do when they go out. She can’t have kittens as she has been done, so does that make her more of a slut cat, I’ll have to wait till she writes her autobiography in 20years’ time that’s if I’m still alive then.

I’ve got Lionel Richie on the speakers, he really is so good, but ask your Chinese friends to pronounce his name, L and R get mixed up by native Chinese  speakers, ask my Shanghai wife if you don’t believe me. Today we have decided in the Casey family that “she would look better if she had spots” is  a new catchphrase. Share it with your own family, so when your friend with all the fancy clothes and the sun tan come visiting, tell her she looks great, and she does, but she’d look even better with spots. Let’s see if she has a sense of humour, or will she never speak to you again. Now if you secretly hate her guts, this is your big chance.

Lionel Richie is singing Say You, Say Me as I continue talking to you, as I talk to you I join in singing alongside him. However I cannot resist the temptation of changing the words, rhythms can be changed for comic effect. The comedy may be lost in translation, especially for my Polish readers, rhythms is English don’t translate to Polish or other languages for that matter. For example in England a fag means a cigarette, in America it’s not a nice word at all. But a word such as Politician is universally known as a word for a Liar, Cheat and Fraud, or am I being too generous.

Lionel Richie is singing You are Once Twice 3 Times a Lady, so I join in singing Falsetto and holding my fake bosoms just like a Pantomime Dame stopping to look at my reflection in the mirror. Outside the neighbours look through our front room window, it must be the side effects of his pain killers they say to themselves, as they catch me prancing around the front room. Totoro our cat opens one eye from where she was asleep on the piano, people are strange she thinks, that’s why I go out at 4am, just to get a little peace.

Lionel Richie feels like Zooming away from here, maybe he’ll go out drinking with Totoro, a cat and a singer both thinking my dancing is rubbish. One day Lionel, one day Lionel you’ll beg me to do a duet with you, One Day you’ll hear me voice, my real voice, and you’ll be touched, like being touched by an angel, yes that is me Lionel. You’ll feel so Richie to have Michael Panzi Casey as your friend, you’ll not be able to walk away from me, my voice my voice will be like a vice, nothing to do with Miami either.

There are other singers, Mr Lionel Richie, hang on I have to smooch around the room, his music has got me dancing again. I was going to turn him off, but I’ll leave him sing in the background as I continue, I’ll just turn his volume down, if HE doesn’t mind my metaphor.  If you listen to lots of music as I do you know a lot of the words by heart, so it’s easy to mess with the words and parody the song. It breaks up the day, and helps with your vocabulary. I can remember seeing a film about Elvis I think he used to do that with his band to relax after shows, so if its good enough for Elvis its good enough for me Mr Lionel Richie.

I also listen to instrumentals such as Jean Michel Jarre so there are no words to parody, however as I write cartoons made with words as well as regular writing I can imagine where Jean Michel Jarre’s music would fit with my words, with my stories. If you have read in Search of an Indian Princess which I put online this is in fact the climax of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker. Which means when there is a chase to the woods the music I have in my head for if ever it becomes a film would be something from Jean Michel Jarre’s Revolutions.

You can fit something from Eric Clapton’s Pilgrim to match sequences in the story I am telling. Though if you are mega successful then great artists queue up to have their music join your words. I have in fact met Eric Clapton, I was working in a hotel CPNEC Birmingham and I almost carried his bag, that’s my claim to fame. So as I continue my writing journey I have high hopes that Lionel Richie will turn up in his Reliant Robin outside my house and beg me to listen to a tape in his cassette player, he’d beg me to use his new songs in a future film of my stories.

I may consider it, though I’ll have to keep a pencil handy, not to write any new ideas down, just to fix this cassette tape when the tape gets stuck. He really must get a new audio for his Reliant Robin.

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