Saturday, 4 September 2021

Ahoy Czech hello to you

Ahoy Czech hello to you

I'm still full of snot and Tinnitus

But at least here in uk we are getting back to normal

I haven't forgotten the 2 or 3 stories I had planned

Fr. Dan' Altar Boy, the food review story, and anything else

Tinnitus has been murdering me

Unable to get to sleep till Dawn, then you wake up with a hurricane in your ear

My Kdramas are a life saver

Though I'm watching a Taiwan one right now, about a Train station master

I saw Cinderella the musical comedy last night, I'll watch it again, 9/10

Though Cruella was a 10/10 and I need to watch that again too

I my sneak out for lottery though probably not, I'm so full of snot

I have the steepest hill in the area beside me

A former postman told me so, 30 years ago he used to live in our house

So a year ago and more i invited them in for tea

It turned out he was a painter, who could paint in any style

That's why Arthur Fiddler is signed on paintings so you know its a copy

I have one on the wall behind me

From 35 years ago, its an oil so it hasn't faded

My Angel is a water colour so after 22 years it has faded

These I bought before marriage, now I could not afford to

Mortgage and Student daughters and all that

Though the Angel was a leaving present

So, I'll get back to you all, pain and snot and all that

Its always nice to see my readers figures, on a graph

Not anybody flashing at me through the window

Though when I was in Czech, at Easter 1998 

I did teach the word Flasher to somebody

Hello to everybody in Plzen who may remember me

I was still healthy back then these past 8 years have been a decline

But as far as writing goes I've done a lot

2,000,000 words, 20 books on Amazon

Though the free reads are here on Blogger plus on Wordpress

Until somebody somewhere picks me up

Then you'll have to pay the price of of Latte for me

Though HEALTH is all I want

or maybe a Kpop family, I'm laughing now

But I have to be careful as laughing can hurt me

Hernia through bypass scar and all that

See I'm such a catch, a nurse and secretary required

But please no rubbish emails, I get far too many

Which I delete unread

That's all a Subway is on its way, my daughter is having a break

from 10 hours a day studying, so we are breaking bread

Yes 10 hours a day, my brothers did it too

If you want a chance to get into the best University

you need to study

I'd only be allowed in to clean the drains, me and Michael Bentine

Enough, go and spit out your own snot

or click a link below

ALL in ONE place Translations Galore

ALL in ONE place Translations Galore


Arabic Altogether NowALL for KoreaKOREAN Quick StoriesWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015Wydanie polskie Still Alive 2015 – Copywin Wiersze dla wszystkichVietnamese Translation The Butcher The Baker and The UndertakerTURKISH tRANSLATION OF bbuThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationsspanish-bbuSpanish BBUportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019abcportuguese-bbu2019PORTUGUESE BBU2019polish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translationschinese translation BBUchina-bbu-converted-1China BBU-convertedChina BBUbengali-translation-of-bbuBengali Translation of BBUbbu-russian-translation-microsoft-wordbbu-italian (2)bbu-in-arabicbbu-germanBBU UrduBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU ITALIANBBU IndonesianBBU in KOREANBBU in Indian HindiBBU in HebrewBBU in HebrewBBU in ArabicBBU in Indian HindipersianBBUPORTUGUESE BBU2019В поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015   

It is nice to see every day where you all are as you read my stories

It is over 80 places worldwide

I’ve covered all the major language groups and you can all buy my Original English

on Amazon

I only read emails in ENGLISH with a decent subject line and I never click links

Junk emails just get deleted unread

Now curl up in bed and read my stories

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...