Thursday, 30 September 2021

30th Sept already?

Hoped you all liked the new piece last night

I'm listening to the Tribit smart speaker right now

It's probably the best sound quality we have in the house

so check it for yourself

and no I have not been paid to say this

though if they want to send me stuff I'd be happy

Or even to test other brands, I could pass then on 

to friends and family once I did the review

See a career avenue, ha ha 

Another thought

Korean Translation of Quick Stories

is the biggest READ on my sites

so Koreans everywhere must like it

So spread the word even more

And can somebody pass it on to KIM in North Korea too

All in all 7 of my books are online in Korean

Read a Book and think Golf Courses

and stop the Nuclear Madness, Kim

Come to Birmingham and you can buy me cake at Druckers

by Saint Phillip's Cathedral

I've also decided to put a Japanese Translation of Quick Stories online

So I'll do that next now that Tinnitus has stopped screaming so much

 We used to have 3 Holy Pictures in my mother's house, the family house

The big brother, Sacred Heart, then a smaller one of Mary and one of Jesus

Then upstairs in a bedroom a smaller Sacred Heart, signed in 1956 or so

I took that one with me to my own home in the 1980s

and now in 2021 it's on my bedroom wall again

So it's older than me

As you know I have a Painted Water Colour of a Burne Jones angel

It was a leaving present, 22 years ago

That's why it has faded

Oils don't fade, water colours do

Andrew Graham Dixon could give you an education

as he did me, via his TV

He might need some work, so check him out if you

are an oily gark, I hope you all like the joke

Anyway it's been in my head to get a picture for my bedroom wall

I'm awake half the night  with tinnitus anyway

But the quality counts, I've seen too many Andrew Graham Dixon

tv programmes, so its a Art thing, not just devotional

and can morons please get out of your head catholics don't worship idols

Americans Do, Trump for example, and they still believe his lies

So you have a tacky picture, which should be burnt or a quality image

So its, fun to look and compare, a penny farthing AGD, that's me

An image has a quality, it either works or does not

Trillions, and it is Trillions of photos and the actual quality

be it a devotional image or a photo of your mum, you have to capture

the essence. See the image of my mum on the doorstep with her leg 

That's a picture to remember, and she was dressed like that the last time

I saw her alive in 1996

so the art side of me is being let out, to combat the Tinnitus nightmare

I'll finish now as I need a hot drink of tea, but you can all check out

Andrew Graham Dixon, he has books and CDs he did stuff for BBC

He can explain it to you

All I can say is I like it, but HE can explain it

Maybe one day he can dress in drag and I can take a photo of him

dressed as my mum

Or we could both dress in drag, and be a double act like Les Dawson and his mate

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...