Monday, 20 September 2021

Jack of All Trades I started this on Friday, maybe I'll finish it another day

Jack of All Trades ©
Michael Casey

As I sit here I can hear a woodpecker, ok I’m lying but it does sound like a woodpecker. It’s Rikki and the crew redoing the capping stones on the garden wall. That was the message yesterday I put on the site, as I had given Rikki a copy of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker to read, ok it was a punishment. But today when they are done, they’ll get properly paid, in rice. 

So, as they work let me see what words I can put together, as they are heckled in Chinese by our cleaner. We did have a stray cat sneak in the back door, but the wind blew and the cat was locked in. The cat was Totoro’s friend that visits occasionally, but being locked in and then my big daughter came down stairs, so the cat felt trapped. So, circled around chasing its own tail, before jumping out the window. Now with a mug of tea beside me and music playing I’m seeing what I can write while the chipping of brick inspires me.

I have of course watched builders for decades, over 50 years. I can remember before I even went to school Andy Pandy as I called him demolishing our old fireplace with a high brown painted mantlepiece. I think there was a back boiler there, you had to pull a leaver to direct the heat from the fire to heat the water. I can even remember dad complaining that the water was cold, as mum had not pulled the leaver enough, is that 55 years ago? Andy Pandy was on tv in Black and White at the time, and was the builder Andy, and he did give me a pack of Polos, which he said he found up the chimney.

Around the same time Moses was a neighbour of ours, no he did not have a staff and all that and part the sea, he was a big Black guy who bounced me on his knee. I can remember his gold teeth clearly.

I discovered 

hence the return of the Rugby look

Besides all my shirts, over 10 years old,  didn't fit so I've transformed myself

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