Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Hello Cool Cat

Hello Cool Cat

thanks for straying my way

Anyway over on Wordpress 14 counties yesterday

and 11 today

Perhaps the remote is stuck, and they end up with me

Thank you each and everyone of you

Though I was called an Elephant yesterday

and told to do something to my mama

But enough of that already

I'm  still having screaming Tinnitus

But Store Girls my Taiwan Kdrama is real fun

Then back to my Korean stuff

If you saw my watch list you may think 

I am in Seoul or somewhere in the East

But I live in the West, West Midlands

Birmingham England UK

I have to be quieter this year

my small daughter is sat 8 feet away

Not that my feet stink, or my _

But that's where her desk is

So she has to study hard to get into a good University

So I have to be on my best behaviour while he is here

I make sure she has breaks

Up to 10 hours a day study

Just like my brothers 40 to 50 years ago

They went to Queens Oxford, and Downing Cambridge

I went to work

am the "failure" with 2,000,000 words to my name

and readers in 90 countries

Still no money yet, so maybe I am a stinking Elephant

But I won't tie my mama down

I'm not a Queensman after all

though my daughter said I looked more like a Teddy Bear

photo has been stretched I not quite that shape

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...