Sunday, 12 September 2021

12th Sept 2021

12th Sept 2021

this is a chat

if you see (c) by Michael Casey THEN that is a story

and stories go into books when I compile them

but not this

So, I have an idea for a story I really want to write

I may do it today or not

As you know my PAIN descends like mists

and can kill me for hours and hours

with Tinnitus like Buddy Rich along for the ride

Now 13 Countries yesterday were reading me over on Wordpress

Korean Translation of Quick Stories is still doing great

But Arabic translations are there too

Never Translate from A to B to C

A to C  is always better or you get even more mangled words

If you backwards translate that may not even be correct

So English to Korean to Spanish just don't do it

and English to Korean then back to English from the Korean

You won't get my Original English

And yes there is a joke in there, a double meaning

My Original English and my Original English

If you miss what I just said, then you need to practice more

AND YES I couldn't do any translations

It's not. putdown 

I only put down in English and then share via Translations

As a way of gaining readers

One day a fancy translator may actually do it

Elenor Goodman was a name I stumbled over 

She has Tinnitus, and is a Music Journalist

WATER is part of the answer, so I'll be trying that

But there is also a Elenor Goodman, a Translator in USA

Chinese into English

So both of them made me smile as I waited for the scream

to die down before  I got out of bed

I listened to Sweet Chinese singer, and old album

I don't understand a word of it

Perhaps I need the help of two Elenor Goodmans

They can send me a message in a bottle

but put China or Ears in the subject line so I can tell you apart

Meanwhile to the left of me my small daughter is doing a Geography

Field Work essay thing, 20% of the final A level exam grade

So I have to be seen not heard

Upstairs Sleeping Beauty is catching up on her sleep

Last night at the bar where she had a summer job

Me, I got up in the dark, and then kicked out the cat

as I waited for my big daughter to return as Dawn broke

Milk bottles clinking and all that

Over in USA a Clown who WAS President still gets courted

When he should be Counted Out  for FOREVER

And still MORONS. won't get vaccinated 


The Unvaccinated are the vast majority now DYING or in HOSPITAL

Mainly GOP supporters too

A nation divided against itself cannot stand

And  the shock jocks refusenicks the Right for Rights people

Yes, they are dying  too

Some being April Fools Every Day of the Week

This is all so SAD

USA, used to stand for HOPE

Now its Rope a Dope, with Trump smiling

As once Great Oaks Fall

Is it all about the Love of Money

Has  he ran out of CASH

With a Nation drowning in Illness

All we hear is LIBERTY

But Liberty is LOST if Covid 19, 

Kills you stone dead

Is that the death knell ringing

Or Trump at the cash register smiling

As the Punctured USA sinks


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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...