Wednesday, 15 September 2021

15th Sept update

 13 Nations reading me yesterday over on Wordpress

including Surinam and Quick Stories in Korean is still flying off the downloads

So either the Koreans and like the Irish, all over the map

Or somebody is reverse translating it

However a ton of other downloads too in many languages

So why are you reading me? to answer that question


I DELETE 100s unread ever single week

and I never click links

Meanwhile Japan is reading me, so hello to them

as well as the Koreans in Korea too

I just started a new Kdrama but it a Taiwan version

Office Girls, its funny what. I've seen so far

Obvious the Korean stuff I've seen is better

But I see loads of foreign stuff and watch subtitles

Never have American English dubbed on, it ruins it

You could all read my play Shoplife written in 1988

It could have changed my life...

My dead sister said it reminded her of Woolworths 

where she was at her most happy, it's her one year

year anniversary soon

As you read the story then Bernadette the Born again shop assistant 

is based on her

And yes the Play is not PC

So I'll finish this chat for today

Just get vaccinated, its a one in 100 years thing, we hope

Or empty pride and vanity will lead you to the hospital, 

or graveyard

There is too much noise in this world, and a madman was king

so never never never make the same mistake again

Just stop and listen to the sound of  Silence

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