Monday, 24 May 2021

Afternoon All 24th May 2021

Afternoon All 24th May 2021

well with Tinnitus what I do lately


I get up for an hour or two and play on the computer

then get back to bed still with the Fizzing in my ears

I never sleep like a log, more lie a hog

and I wake up every 2 hours, once Tinnitus allow me to sleep

So I look at you all and get 2 bites of the cherry so to speak

I did bang my mike on the floor the other day

and on the computer, I thought I'd broken it

then you would all be spared

I also like seeing countries far and wide reading

but then some email deceiving


everybody knows how to hover and message source and IP

so don't annoy me dot EDU

and I only work in ENGLISH

I've bothered to Google Translate

so jokers/scammers in Multiple languages, just wrap your hands in bandages

or put boxing gloves on, as Matron made you do...

OTHER than that Hello to Mother Russia reading

The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker in Russian Translation

thank you for bothering to read my rubbish

I do think you'll enjoy it

Especially the story of how The Trader pub came to be

90 countries read my stuff and still I've not earnt a penny

I'm hoping eventually for miracles

But I don't expect anything, just like your mum said

Blessed is he who expects Nothing

though back in 1996 I do believe I got my miracle

read Padre Pio and Me by Michael Casey

you'll find it on my sites, tomorrow 25h May is 

Padre Pio's Birthday

so I'll finish for now, end to Tinnitus would be a perfect

silent present from him to me.

But all the rest would be too big a grace to expect

see you later as they say

Lech, Boris and Gregorgi may be coming by to see Totoro the cat soon

but in reality there is a new batch of Vodka brewing in the woods behind me

no wonder our cat has so much vigour, 100% proof Popaloffoff vodka in her milk

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far