Friday, 28 May 2021

Evening All as Sergeant Dixon used to say

Evening All as Sergeant Dixon used to say

it was a tv show after the feature film

the feature film has a TicTak chase, and was Dirk Bogarde in it?

TicTak is the sign language on course bookies use

it's in black and white but worth a watch

70 years old too

anyway our old neighbour his son became a Policeman

and eventually a sergeant .

His name really was Sergeant Dixon

and he used to live in Dog Kennel Lane

he's be 70ish now

His mum knew the owner of a local coach company

who drove a Rolls Royce, she was his friend or even cleaner to start, I cannot remember

my mum knew a haulage driver

so when they both  visited us and next door

an articulated lorry as long as 3 houses

was nose to nose with a Rolls Royce

Ken who drove the lorry used to bring us eggs from the countryside

He'd be in his 90s now

That's my teenage years

My brother used to lock himself in the front room

with Cream music playing from a reel to reel tape recorder through a speaker

my mother used to bang on the door, Mr Dixon is on nights

That brother went to Queens Oxford, Mr Dixon's son became a copper

His brother went to GKN

Life rich tapestry

In a stretch of a few hundred yards

3 Oxford, 1 Cambridge, 2 PhDs

the inner city Irish catholic families

All of us went to Mass at the same church

And Danny Moylan, now in House of Lords was one of them

Before he left the neighbourhood

So yes we are, as good as anybody

It would now be called InnerCity

So that's enough for tonight

Study hard and do your best

Or you could end us as a Writer

of 2,000,000 words and 20 books on Amazon

readers in 90 countries, 1000s of FREE downloads

in multiple languages

and still be penniless, because Internet is Free

and nobody wants to invest in me

Michael Casey MINIMUS as my Latin teacher called me

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