Monday, 3 May 2021

I know what you were doing in the middle of the night, USA

I know what you were doing in the middle of the night, USA

4am to be exact, or is that 11pm your time

a surge

did you sudden go to the bathroom 

and took me with you

am I just a laxative

i hope you didn't mess the screen

or flush me away, like in that great cartoon

anyway thanks for reading me

nobody buys as it's free on the website

remember 2 daughters

so I wouldn't be getting a penny

as you spend a penny, sat on the throne reading me

but at least somebody reads my rubbish 

as I  struggle with Tinnitus

7am before sleep finally came

I do  try saying the Rosary in an attempt to get to sleep

Prayer and Profanity and almost Insanity

Tinnitus is no joke, if he was a Roman slave

He'd be flogged every night

Until the hissing in my ears stopped 

so I could sleep

What, read my own rubbish

It makes you all sleep

I suppose it's better than being a laxative

Or do you print me off

and read then wipe me away

I'm flushed with success

I have to get some mints from the shop now

SO I can actually breath


breeding I can do easily

I'm so fertile, move away from the screen

or you may have an unwanted

Wordsworth of me

Smile, it's now time for TEA

this is England after all

and the Irish do in fact drink more

tay than the English

I'll pop to the shops then

see if I write anything new for you all

But as I said before 3300 pieces here on this site alone

So read it all and I'll marry you

would you be kind to me

how many kids would we have

or would you lock me in the lavatory

or just flog me like Tinnitus

till I hissed off

Ok that's your lot for now

I must go milk the cows

my cousin Morris has many cows  I believe

so hello to him and all the Casey Clan

in Kerry in Castleisland and beyond

so I'll buzz off into the light

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far