Saturday, 8 May 2021

You are On your Own

You are on your Own (c)

By Michael Casey


You are on your Own, said God.

How many times did I tell you?

In the beginning I said the tree alone.

Then you gave the game away by dressing in fig leaves.

What did Cain do, yet I forgave you.

Your descendants numbered more than the stars.

You were never satisfied, you built a golden calf.

And even found the New World, where you worship Money.

Then you had wars, wars and even more wars.

Then 2 world wars back to back.

And blamed me for Man’s insanity.

You argue over how to talk to me.

Just talk to me I’m your best friend, I’m your Daddy.

No need for formality, just talk,

I’m always by the proverbial phone.

But you just ignore me.

Till things go bad, then you want Bank of God.

Till things go bad, then you want Dr. God

Till things go bad, then you want the Weather tamed.

Till this, till that, while you are all Insane.

I am just a fruit machine, that you demands delivers Everything.

Who made you anyway?

You are just made from my spit and clay.

Yet you think you are so Bright.

It was me that made Daylight, the Day and the Night.

Yet you pollute the night, so you forget the Stars.

The only stars are those selfie taking midgets in your tiny minds.

And what do you look at, their behinds.

You pollute this garden of Eden, that I made for you.

You carve the land, and pollute the sea.

Little wonder my whales stop singing to me.

At least the whales knew how to treat me.

But now, they are hunted and killed to near extinction.

All the animals I placed on this good earth are being.

Exploited and killed, just for thrills.

Or made into pills, and if that is not enough.

Why does mankind destroy their minds from inside.

Pills and drugs, exploitation by thugs, because of silly mugs.

Who have hardly moved on from cavemen with clubs.

Why oh Why did I bother, why did I create you?

I think I should not have bothered, you are all so selfish.

Perhaps I should start again, after you all die by your own hand.

Mankind, who don’t believe in any God, except Love of Money and Love of Selfies.

A quiet whisper interrupts God and his musings.

Our Father Who Art in Heaven, she begins.

Mary, I knew it would be you.

Hallowed by thy Name.

Mary, always leading the Prayers.

Thy Kingdom Come,Thy Will be Done.

Mary, they’d be dust without you.

On Earth, as it is upon Heaven.

Mary, you are so soft hearted, you Love Everyone.

All Nations, and All Peoples call you Blessed.

Give Us this Day, Our Daily Bread

Mary, you always intercede.

Even as they smoke weed, the world over.

And Forgive Us, all our Trespasses

You always know how to get around me.

As We Forgive those that Trespass against Us.

Mary, if only all those Leaders actually lead.

And Deliver Us from All Evil

Mary you, and your Rosary.

Will be the Death, of the Devil.

For Thine is The Kingdom and The Power and The Glory

Mary, most Clement, Mary most Kind

Maybe this time I’ll save them all.

Fill up all those Wine Jars, do as he says.

Forever and Ever Amen

I suppose I’ll have to save Ungrateful Mankind, AGAIN.

Mary, kissed her Rosary Beads, and bowed.

The sky was blue and the stars could be seen again.

Little did Mankind know, just how much Mary loves us so.

So Pray the Rosary, count your beads, of every Denomination.

Talk, Pray, Scream and Shout, just make a noise in God’s direction.

For there is only One World, One Direction, aiming for Perfection.

Or do you want to go to Hell, which is in the other direction.


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Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far