Sunday, 30 May 2021

The Arabs have it and Hebrew for the neighbours too

 The Arabs have it and Hebrew for the neighbours too

the most downloads overnight

So I hope they enjoy 300 and Not OUT

which is my family collection of stories

Translations in many many languages are over

on Wordpress, with some here on Blogger

Well I did not have the massive headache that

went with my first Covid 19 jab

So that was good, my head is still fizzing with my Tinnitus

that in itself can drive you mad

Watched Shaft the 3 generations one last night

It was good, well worth a watch, as is 2nd Act

I'm watching 2 Kdramas together with a 3rd lined up

Korea has got me

I did actually think of going to Korea to teach English back in

1999 when my job for life ended

instead it was 12 years later that I did it here

and was Excellent, Excellent, Exemplary on my external assessment

So ESOL English on my CV

not that I'd be able to work a real job

I'd have to give Private Lessons instead

which was a phrase used meaning something else

Private French Lessons on calling cards left in phone boxes

Decades ago

I would enjoy dressing up in drag though, even more than I 

do already


did you give up, or did you just fill the sick bucket

It's the Bank Holiday Weekend here in UK

So there's a challenge

Or split the years with a friend, and do it that way

There's a list on the right of the screen

Though after all that you may just wish you did not bother

You are so cruel

The cleaner story by the way started one way in my head,

 but I spoke to

my daughter at University and she said it sounded like a film

she'd seen, so I took a different direction once I sat down to write it

I don't push myself as much nowadays, especially as the past 3/4

weeks the nighttime Tinnitus has kept me awake so much, it's  very


I am scared of what is happening in USA, the Trump corruption has

got so far, that USA itself is in peril. 10s of Millions believing his 

LIES, and now lets fix the system

More Voters, not barriers

Perhaps USA is ungovernable

And the best turnout in 100 years is still less than

other Democracies

Maybe when the Aliens get of the seabed in their UFOs

Reason will appear, Sanity from all the current Insanity

See I do have a very very serious side, but people prefer

Vacuous Celebrities taking Selfies

So what can I do?

Make you laugh, and make you think?


Go read some real newspapers

And take your head. out of your Prejudices

See a Teacher at heart

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far