Tuesday, 18 May 2021

IT's all in the mind or 5.20am and still awake thanks to Tinnitus

just stumbled over this as I had a cup tea before back to bed  I did let Totoro out too

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Its all in the mind

It’s all in the Mind ©
By Michael Casey

I was thinking about styles of writing, and how some writers are more explicit than others, and some just cannot write anything, they are bad writers. Selling millions does not make you a good writer, some readers will accept badly written words because the story is good. Me, if the storyteller is bad I just don’t want to know, I have to put the book down.
So let me try and write something and see if I can put pictures in your mind, without actually being explicit, if you like a blind man telling a story. 

When I first met Annette she was the love of my life, I just had to A her, and in reply she just had to B me, so we Aed and Bed  for a few weeks as we got to know each other. Then it got deeper, I Ced her and she Ded me, I then Eed her on her neck and she Fed me all over my, my, well you’ll have to imagine it for yourself.

Then the landlady threw a bucket of water over us, as if we were dogs in the street, though we were of course nothing like that at all. So we went back to her place to dry our clothes off. We hung our clothes on the fireguard in front of the fire. We were almost Ged, but not quiet. But as I looked at her and she looked at me, Nature decided to joint in. I Hed and she Jed, we were both embarrassed and happy at the same time, Nature is Nature after all, you don’t need a subscription to the National Geographic to know that.

So removed what was left of our clothes, we were now proudly naked in front of each other and the steaming fire guard. We Ked to the floor and she began to L and I Med, Led and Med over and over. Steam was coming from us now, not just the fire guard. We stopped to N, it’s important to N, so we Ned, before we Oed, and Oed and Oed again. Oing is Oing, all with toing and froing.

We stopped for a pint of Stella Artois, two in fact, a third we poured over our bodies. As the steam rose we continued, Peed as farts we continued, Qing and Qing, slow, slow, quick quick slow, we Qed and Qed. Then we Red, and Red, we needed a little rest after all, so we Red and Red.

Then we Sed and Sed with renewed vigour, started again with renewed vigour. Then we hit a T, so we Ted it, we knocked it high in the air and chipped it, a tee shot, which was a birdie. The we tried a bit of U, just for variety we Ued and Ued again, we were giving it the full alphabet after all. Then we Ved, we just had to V, a V is essential in a full relationship. The steam from the washing on the fireguard rose even more, as did the steam from the Stella Artois on our bodies.

Then we Wed, we had enough energy left so we Wed, we were breathless, we were Xed, totalled Xed, we were exhausted. Then we had another pint of Stella Artois before we went for the Y, a Y just had to be done, why we Yed I’ll never know. We did it, we had reached nirvana, we were exhausted and smelt of Stella Artois. Our clothes were dry, so we covered our nakedness, but not before we had a quick Z, I Zed her and she Zed me, we were so happy.

Thus concludes, it’s all in the mind, I was just teaching you all the alphabet, so I hope you will not need a repeat lesson, the A to Z of whatever it was you were thinking of, me I have no idea what you were thinking of. 

On y soit qui mal y pense as the French say.   

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