Saturday, 28 January 2023

Saturday 28th Jan 2023

Saturday 28th Jan 2023

not so much left shoulder pain today

did have had a migraine for a bit

but most of all today NOISE in my right ear

too much at times can barely think

and it actually hurts too

tidied up my wardrobe

so i know where all my stuff is

i may not live long enough to wear all my clothes out

as I'm home here most of the time

so no wear and tear on my clothing

so they will last longer than me

so just pants and socks will be enough

to last me all my days

the almost clear day of normal pain

is so good, so I enjoy it while its here

PAIN is regularly off the  chart

NOISE from Tinnitus is off chart constantly

so forgive me if you are not getting enough

Story Stories

post 4144 I think I've  reached here now on my Blogger

half are stories

Thanks to Germany and Sweden for passing by recently

even though NOBODY says thank you, the Viewing figures are nice to see

NO money made either

Coverage in over 100 Countries

and YOU AI used to track me

But depth not there, as I'm not on Anti-Social Media

Everything is by word of mouth

So I'm wide spread like my Backside

but lacking the depth

Jeff Bezo has not adopted me yet

Though on Amazon Kindle you can but my 20 books

Ok That's enough, I need to lie on the sofa behind me as my Tinnitus screams

For Scandinavian Models Everywhere my Stuff in your Languages

For Scandinavian Models Everywhere my Stuff in your Languages

Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish

YES you can all suffer equally, but you all speak English anyway, so Ski away and read me

Michael Casey from Birmingham England and his cat Totoro

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...