Monday, 10 August 2020

hello Italy Saudi and Japan not forgetting Russia USA and UK

hello Italy Saudi and Japan not forgetting Russia USA and UK

you  are my far flung readers today

Italy is reading Butcher Baker Undertaker in Italian too

the TRANSLATIONS mainly live over on my Wordpress

Arabic as well

Thanks for passing by, a bunch of Vapers did leave messages galore on my

Wordpress, only I see them

Email if you really feel the need to talk

with Shady Writer in subject line, so I don't delete you

my small daughter is gearing up to return to school in a few weeks time

I hope all your kids go back

If you are students reading me I hope you've enjoyed some of the

2900+ pieces here, 2000 must be stories, the rest chats like these

only the stories go into my books, I'm writing book 20 right now

I've culled my Amazon books, to make space for your laughter

But should Jeff Bezo want to back me then we'll see what happens....

That's your lot for now

Whatever passes through my mind/window real or on screen will

become the next thing I write about

It's more fun for me that way, I hope the Agony Aunt liked what I wrote

I email the world as well as posting what I write

I am a Writer not a blogger, there is a mighty big difference

now go outside this fine day and play, as my dad use to say

List of Books Written by Me ©
By Michael Casey
1.The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
3.Essays and Plays
4.Blogs 2011
5.300 and Not OUT
6.Shorts 2013
7.More Shorts 2014
 8.Quick Stories
9.Still Alive 2015
10.Undiscovered Words 2016
11.Still Smiling 2017
12.Altogether Now
13.New Horizons
14.14 Up
15.15 Down
16.Sweet Sixteen
17. 17 Again
18. 18 New Views

19.The Final Cut of The 19th Hole
20. 2020Words I've reached 215 pages or 64,530 words so far

I may keep going till I hit 100,000 more words

my total word count in 1,630,000 words, though that's excluding chats like these

so probably 2,000,000 words spread like butter over 80 countries to date

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...