Monday, 31 August 2020

D.I.Y. Story Challenge

D.I.Y. Story Challenge

I have another story ready, I just need to put it on paper

BUT before I do that

YOU can write one for yourselves

Here are the ingredients

Locked in Toilet

Daughters laugh and ignore

a cry for help

ring a friend

rescue by a foreigner

who cannot speak English

Reward in beer

More reward later

Laughing at my predicament

and yes it happened before

on the Paris to Calais train in 1984


can you write your own story


contrast and compare with what I may write later

It's all in the writing, it's the way I tell them

Frank Carson the great Northern Ireland Comedian

used to say " you'e heard them all before, it's the way I tell them"

and that's so true

Frank stayed at our hotel CPNEC Birmingham

and Roger drove him back to the airport

He nearly crashed the van as he was crying with laughter

I know,I just make you cry, but I hop you laugh too

now see if you can write comic story in ONE HOUR

that's how long it usually  takes me

from a standing, no prep start.

Enjoy your Homework

this is me with my Tinnitus tired eyes yesterday, I detest the perfect poses Writer’s show this is what a real person looks like, me Michael Casey from Birmingham England

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