Monday, 10 August 2020

Reading List for Politicians

Reading List for Politicians ©
By Michael Casey

Let’s start with a ray of Hope, all Political Lives End in Failure, this is what Enoch Powell said. So we can all live in Hope that Political Lives end, pick your own dictator wherever you may be. As for Enoch Powell you can Google him and learn some British Political History, he is not a great ambassador for British Politics.

Now, while you all check that out, let’s care on. Politics is also the art of the possible. How many times can you be sacked or resign before your career is over. Or you end up as Prime Minister. Alternatively you could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and still get away with it. I could list Trump’s failings but you can do that for yourselves, not unless you are a Fox man, though I doubt any Fox people read my stuff. So what do Politicians read? Obviously Trump has dyslexia and cannot read hence all the cartoons and photos of himself, when he gets a CIA morning briefing. He does know a photo opportunity when he sees one and Snoop Dogg is still cursing him using the T word (Trump), for abusing a Bible after gassing a march so he could get his photo op. Sadly the attention span of Americans is limited, so The T words thinks they’ll have forgotten everything before Election Day.

So what books do Politicians read, Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics is the first one everybody reads. It’s a set text for a Politician. I actually worked for 21 years as part of ACNielsen, though we gave the truth, about alcohol sales. It was a job for life. Politicians also read Goebbels a Quick Guide to Lies, if you repeat a lie often enough then people believe you. Or keep on changing  the lie, so people and the Press cannot keep up, so give in. Then Apathy lets you win, as people say let’s just say in the pub or at home watching tv. We’ve all read 1984 as a set text, or book list at school. It was written in1948, Orwell inverted the date. If you like watch the 1984 film of 1984 with Richard Burton, the big line is “Do it to Julia” you know then that  folks are beaten. So obviously do it to me, because you Love somebody so much you will bear any pain. There’s a line Christ used too, whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren you do to me. I’m sure the T word knew all this as he held  A bible aloft with the tear gas still swirling as he posed for the camera. I’m an old fashioned Altruist and catholic myself, so I’m appalled that any people of Faith puts up with Trump’s lies, we were all give Free Will after all, we are not slaves to a man made entirely of clay.

The Complete Kama Sutra for Politicians, wipe clean edition is also a must for Politicians, with a tear out Non-Disclosure form at the back, or rather 17 of them on the deluxe edition. With a stand-alone section on denial and I’ll sue you threats section. It also has a built in flashlight for when you are doing things alone in a wardrobe, or when you are sneaking our via the  fire escape. 9.99 and  printed in China, an absolute  bargain.  As is the Bible also printed in China, China has cornered the market for Bibles after all. Be careful though as the dust covers are very similar, you don’t want to pose holding a Bible with a free bookmarker made of, well you can guess what they are made of. Only for it to slip out during your photo opportunity. Though a real Politician should be able to talk his way out of it, so I’d say Trump really is a real Politician. Though Politician is the ultimate form of abuse, you go ask the Electorate.

A cook book is also a book every Politicians should have, how to cook the books and scam the voters. Or how to make cookies and hand them out at events. So you and your ever so perfect Adams Family can prove your values. A copy of Speaking Vacuously for Beginners, is also an essential must have book. You meet 1000s of people and you must pretend you like them and have something in common. Personally during my 3 years Front of House I must have spoken to 100,00 people, just a couple of minutes at a time, and yes the Guests all thought I was the best thing in the hotel, I did work very very hard, but it was the most fun I ever had in any job. But I digress.

Speech giving for Morons is also a must have for any Politician, I do of course offer a training course for this myself. Donate £1,000,000 to a Charity I name and over dinner, which you pay for I can teach you. Now there’s an offer, I sure I’ll be flooded with requests. MSF or Medecin Sans Frontiers would be the Charity by the way. As bastard politicians cause wars, so they should fund MSF. But maybe I’m being too naively Policitical.

A hymn book is also a useful tool, if you can master a few songs then the Religious Right will stick with you through thick and thin, even when you impregnate their wife and daughter.  As it’s an honour to be abused by you.

Well I hope this reading list has been of help. I also hope it inspires you to register and Vote. This time in USA  you really are voting for the Soul of the USA, and maybe even the world, that’s why this fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England is encouraging you to THINK for YOURSELVES and VOTE. By the way  the Stock Market will Fall in the Fall, it is 30% overvalued,  with millions unemployed  it does not reflect reality and rich people are keeping it high artificially, but maybe I’m being cynical.

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