Monday, 24 August 2020

Unholy Words

Unholy Words ©
Michael Casey

Now yesterday, Sunday, I said what I may write about today, but nothing is certain in life except Death and Taxes and Trump lying, so I may not end up doing what I hoped. No, I’m not a liar, circumstances change, so you have to react, children or Autistic people have difficulty coping when things don’t go in straight lines. It’s Ok to not be Ok, my latest Kdrama has an actor playing an Autistic person, he is very good in the part by the way, I have to finish the series this week. The point being, if there’s a storm we have to stay home, or if there is Covid 19 we have to take precautions, not unless your Freedom gets in the way of your Common Sense. This morning in the Press in France 100 nudists caught Covid 19, despite being masked up, naked just with masks, no I’m not making this up, see DM website. So events change and we need to react and also be proactive when we know a storm of whatever nature is coming. In USA twin storms are due to hit Louisiana, so I hope folks get to shelter and are safe. They can read all my rubbish while the storm blows.

Now some words are Unholy and they need to be, if somebody is about to have an accident, walking into traffic while looking at their iphone for example, then you shout a warning, or you may decide that you are interfering with his Liberty so you allow him to get killed. It may be the way I’ve been brought up, or perhaps I’m a good parent, I look for danger and protect against it. My kids joke I am Mr Brown from the Paddington film, I do have very fast reactions for a fat guy, just my hands, I catch and grab stuff. My daughter sliding off the edge of the sofa being one memorable example, I caught her, I still remind her 15 years later. Working in a hotel for 3 years means I’m proactive, some were just lazy, and passed the buck. Going back 40 years and more, I had to clean up after the previous shift, hanging all the magtapes up, yes I’m that old, magnetic tapes with read/write rings in, and punch cards too.

But the long nights and the days off in the middle of the week means I’ve had plenty of time to THINK, yes it’s not popular nowadays, people just want to Tweet like fools, but enough of Trump for today. So this allows you time for your brain to grow, education does not stop at the school door, some think it does, and some who spent a long time in school are still pretty DUMB, but I won’t do on about Mickey Mouse degrees, or folks having No Common Sense.  Before I finish this theme, you tell me what Intelligence is. No, wrong, if you just said having X Y Z and this or that degree, it’s speed of thought. Now go think about that.

I did think yesterday about writing about Euthanasian, but I thought you’d all split into 2 camps, right to die v life at all costs. What about quality of life? And then there are those who are Pro Life, but what about  the quality of life of the Living, support the unborn, but the living can live in Hell. These are just a few thoughts for you, but already you are Twitter judging me.  These past 5 sentences are there to make you THINK, my own opinion would take 20 pages, or 6000 words and I’ve barely gone over 600 right now in total. I have written a poem called The Dead and The Living it’s Percy the Undertaker from The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker describing his holy vocation, those are my opinions on The Dead and The Living. I wrote it in November 1987 when I was on the 82 bus going to work, I scribbled it down, I recited the piece to KJ and he said it was poetic.  

The more you know about a subject the better, you can make a reasoned judgement, you are less judgemental the more you actually know. You’ll condemn less, and love move if you have a better understanding. I watched Constantine last night on Tv, I saw it before  a few years ago, Keanu Reeves is in it, he chases Devils in the film. There is a suicide and the cop twin sister does not want her sister to rot in Hell because of suicide, and no Christian burial either. Now these themes disturb as well as making good film material. So the next big question is, how deep is God’s love for us? Absolute means absolute. So everybody can gain forgiveness, we pray for the Souls in Purgatory after all.

Now if you are reading this you may think this is a departure from Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham’s normal writing. Actually it is not, you assume you know me because you’ve read  a few bits and bobs. There are 1,630,000 words I’ve penned into books, but maybe the full total in 2,000,000 or 10,500 pages at a  guess. The point is you have to delve deep, do not be a Twitter person trying to be a smart Alec, and some of my words have 2 meanings, you have to decide am I serious or am I really taking the Mick. Maybe I’m doing both simultaneously, or is that not allow? Words have to follow your construct. This is obviously not the case.

The next point is, should you joke about some things, is Black Humour not allowed? Now because of the age we are in I have to explain to some youngsters that Black Humour is not Eddie Murphy, it’s humour with/from a dark place. Mel Brookes wrote the Producers and Spring Time for Hitler is in it, then Jerry Lewis was making a film about a Nazi Prison Camp, but he canned everything. He was too ahead of his time, years later Life is Beautiful was made in 1998. So you can debate that for yourselves.

I have had folks read my  more serious stuff and they prefer the comedy, or say I should stick to comedy, but today this has percolated to the top, so you can suffer this. I did write something called Revolution about an old people’s home,  
I think that was 30 years ago maybe, but the ideas return in a chapter when I finally write Tears for a Butcher, in fact they may all appear in the finale, but I may never actually write that full length book. I need a speed typist, as I’ve mentioned previously, otherwise it’d be too exhausting, I cannot spare a full year just to one project. But my point is the way you use the words changes, the words have to fit the situation. A love poem for a wedding is one thing, and Valentine Poem is online, or  a sheet of profanity might be needed for something else. I tend to use metaphors as they are funnier and can do the job.

So as the pain attacks me, I need to finish, and yes I can hear you muttering, He is finished as far as I’m concerned. He tried to make me think, I’m not having that I’d rather have a President grab my….

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