Sunday, 2 August 2020

2931; Saint Patrick's cathedral New York

2931; Saint Patrick's cathedral New York

I may start numbering my entries here

2931, so you can go back and read the rest, 2930 in this case

Only the Stories make the books

eg XYZ(c) by Michael Casey 

so there are maybe 2000 stories scattered over 20 books

I've culled what's on Amazon

But I still have the files

should a Russian Billionaire want to App me

somebody in Russia was reading ExPats from 2017

that's why I say that

I know in fact that'll never happen

As everybody likes free reads

and hello to Indonesia too, reading a translation

of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

over on my wordpress

Every time I write I post it to 3 Bloggers and my Wordpress

it also goes into to the current book I'm writing

so 2020 Words, which is the book I'm writing now

as well as 2 container files which have everything, I think

so 1,630,000 words is my current grand total

or 8400 pages using 14point Amiri font

I don't add "chats" like this to the grand total

nor as I said to any current book I'm compiling

Then there are old old stuff, so if you add it all

together then I must have gone past 2,000,000 words

and still no reward

but I write because it's in me

I may be a "broken" man physically due my health

But I still dream of a new Korean wife and 4 more kids

and forming a Kpop band, and living 40 more years

Yes, God's know's i have a sense of humour

I just hope he has too, and if I keep on nagging who knows

Health returned etc etc etc, as the King of Siam used to sing

Anyway the nice parish priest in New York gave a great sermon

and I've seen 55 years worth and more

He mentioned a Leper woman in Colombia who thanked him

so much 50 years ago for saving Mass  and how she thanked him

from the bottom of her heart. The parish priest also mentioned how

we may not be able to attend in person, and Live Stream may be

all we have got. But we never lose God's love, even though we cannot

get to him, he can always get to us and is with us. Always

So if any of you folks down in Colombia can give a cent, then the cathedral

accepts donations online.

Though as everybody knows, Pray is more than enough if cents are not available

I must be getting a ton of Prayers from over 80 countries worldwide

because I never get any cents.

Though as you all know Pain Charities are top of my list

should the cents arrive

That's about it for today, I have to watch Hotel del Luna my latest Kdrama

it's fantastic, comedy/romance/horror it was top 2019 Kdrama on one station

in Korea, hence my love of all things Korean. And the kiss was in episode 4,

normally it's double that time before the first kiss in Kdrama.

Give them a try but you will have to read subtitles

and here's a list of all my books, but just a few still on Amazon

List of Books Written by Me ©
Michael Casey

1.The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
3.Essays and Plays
4.Blogs 2011
5.300 and Not OUT
6.Shorts 2013
7.More Shorts 2014
 8.Quick Stories
9.Still Alive 2015
10.Undiscovered Words 2016
11.Still Smiling 2017
12.Altogether Now
13.New Horizons
14.14 Up
15.15 Down
16.Sweet Sixteen
17. 17 Again
18. 18 New Views
19.The Final Cut of The 19th Hole
I'm still writing 2020 Words right now

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