Saturday, 4 July 2020

Disney Hamilton Trump 4th of July

morning all, I had a terrible night of pain and tinnitus,  it's 14.43pm now
I've had about a week of pain, scattered all over my body

so be nice to me or I'll make you suffer. my usual sine curve of pain

nothing to do with ....

I'll post another story, so you too can suffer, ha ha ha

United States



United Kingdom



Saudi Arabia

are amongst today's readers so far
 as well as Czech

so thank you all, don't forget I'm available for MEDIA
but you'd have to start paying me
I'll probably die first, before any cheques arrive

The T word is still being himself, will he remember the 130,000 Covid Dead

or are statues of Traitors more important. 

He'll never wear a mask, because he thinks it's macho
It'd be proof of his lack of leadership and compassion

He never thanks the teams of Deep Cleaners, who clean his bubble, so he
the lord and master cannot catch it
The Queen smells pain everywhere she goes as things are retouched
The T word must smell Bleach everywhere, as his Deep Cleaners
clean before and after him
That's why he grins, he's high on cleaning fluids

Hamilton is on Disney now, I took a sneaky look
but my big nice tv does not have an App.

Meanwhile the Tword,  is busy destroying and mocking
and everything so shocking
The Vets who still support him even after

may wonder why he refuses to rename Army bases named after
"traitor" generals, and will block funding to spite Warren

all so very sick and sad, perhaps sick and sad should replace the T word

and tonight 300,000 may spread Covid as they watch fireworks

Freedom is great, but if it means not having Common sense

then you lose all your freedoms, because you are sick or even dead

Economy stupid

but hey Stupid, the Economy is People

and if they are sick or dead, all 130,000 dead so far

Then there is NO ECONOMY

Dead men have no money to spend

Just 2 pennies over their eyes to pay the Ferryman

So have a great 4th of July, but losing your Health or Life

just so the T word can gorge himself on False Patriotism

When he never read his briefs, and shouts down anybody

who gives him the UNADULTERATED TRUTH

as the GIs die, and he's too busy preening himself

Masking reality, while never wearing a mask

Because that would hit his vanity

So if you do go there

Just shout   RESIGN over and over again, through your mask

GIs died and die so you can all shout RESIGN

and that would be the Best of USA today

Disney Land USA with Trump as an Emperor with  no clothes

as all around him people are sick and dying

and he is not  even TRYING

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...